- Add auto load default settings in first start meteo station after firmware download.
- Set DS18B20 outdoor sensor; BME280 room sensor.
- Fix bug in 7-segment display light.
- Added the ability to update firmware via the web interface of the weather station. You must go to the address http: // {IP Address} / update and specify *.bin firmware file.
- Now there are 2 firmware in the project. With and without an RTC module. In firmware without an RTC module, time is counted using the ESP8266 itself.
v07_02_2020. Fix some bugs:
- Fix display on the indicator of negative temperatures.
- Fix changes the background color of the main web page at low temperatures.
- Adding a button to adjust the brightness of the indicators on the main web page.
- Decrease in manipulations at the first firmware of the device. Now you need to uncomment part of the code, flash, comment out and flash it again.