Commonly known as "Cheat" or "Bullshit." It is a fun and fast-paced game played with a standard deck of playing cards. The objective of the game is to get rid of all your cards by successfully bluffing or "cheating" your way through the rounds.
- TDD with Cypress
- Web Sockets with Socket.IO
- Frontend in general with React and libraries
- API Design with Express
- Consuming external APIs like the Deck of Cards API
- Databases with MongoDB and Mongoose
Frontend is pure, and the backend is the single source of truth. The frontend derives its game logic and state logic all from the backend.
Frontend is mostly composed of creating lobbies, joining lobbies, and representing game state (cards, turn, discard pile, actions available).
Backend is RESTful, which means it is stateless and pure. Given an action and a game state, it will output the next game state to all users
- Allows to make sure that the game logic is always correct. Important because there are many moving pieces, like move history, discard pile, cards in hand, hand size, and actions.
- Unique advantage: This allows me to simulate multiple players doing many actions synchronously. This would be nearly impossible to do manually.