Elir motion planning functionality based on MoveIt! framework.
ALl the elir dependecies are installed through the elir_simulation
installation shell script.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/elir_simulation/install
Run the insall.sh file
$ ./install.sh
Remember to compile you do a catkin_make in your workspace.
Go to the catkin_ws:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Case ROS doesn't find the package, remember to source your setup.bash file
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
These are the ros packages needed for the motion planning integration
- MoveIt!
- joint_state_publisher
- robot_state_publisher
- geometry_msgs
- std_msgs
- std_srvs
- elir_moveit - Package generated by MoveIt! Setup Assistant tool, it contains all the configuration relative to MoveIt!, and some customs scripts already integrated with ELIR robot;
- elir_move_group - Custom move_group node, using the specific planar arm inverse kinematics solution thourgh a custom service;
- elir_inverse_kinematics - Package containing the elir inverse kinematics solver;
Robot Control with MoveIt!:
$ roslaunch elir_moveit elir_planning_execution.launch
Custom Move group Simulation:
$ roslaunch elir_move_group custom_move_group.launch
- Cleber Couto - clebercoutof
- Davi Oliveira - daviccoliveira
- Icaro Nascimento - icaronascimento31
- Carlos Alberto Pereira -carlospereira179
The robot academic related work is indexed to the repository in the file Graduation_Thesis_ELIR-_PT-BR.pdf
- Marco Reis - mhar-vell