Made by boomchanotai and ChanatpakornS
- Support Thai Language
- Support Keyboard Input (Not stable)
- Support UART data transmittion using switch
- Support UART data transmittion from Serial Input
- Good Graphic VGA
In the following diagram, our Basys3 board has two UART modules for receiving and transmitting data to the corresponding target.
To display the input received by the receiver, data is transferred from the UART module to the ASCII_Grid module, which maps the data to variables that store the 16-bit code for each character. Then, the ASCII_Test module renders the text by mapping each line of data from the ASCII_ROM. Finally, the VGA Controller paints the screen using RGB signals generated by the ASCII_Test module from the ASCII_ROM.
We support the Thai language by receiving 3-byte data from the Keyboard I/O in UTF-8 format. We use 16-bit data to store 2 bytes, as the first byte is not necessary when handling only one language.