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v2.31 "Harmajankatu"

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@Macroz Macroz released this 29 Nov 13:08
· 1197 commits to master since this release


  • The location of the success message of a submit has been changed from the top of the page to the Actions block. (#2836)
    This is more consistent with the other actions that provide feedback in the same location. (#2836)
  • The application Applicants block has a simple version for the case of a single applicant. (#2836)
  • The Decide action button has been changed to primary action, as it usually is for a person in the :decider role. (#2836)


  • Visibility of the PDF and ZIP download actions can now be configured with :show-pdf-action and :show-attachment-zip-action (#3001)
  • The Resources block can be hidden from the application view with :show-resources-section. This can be useful if there are few catalogue items. (#3000)
  • The application title field, in the application state block is now shown only if the application description is not blank. (#2836)
  • Orphan attachments could sometimes be saved, though not in use. They are now removed when an application is submitted. (#3041)
  • Extra pages have been enhanced: (#2983, #2589, #3069)
    • They can be shown in top menu, footer, both or not at all with :show-menu and :show-footer
    • You can decide if you want the standard heading or not with :heading.
    • If localization of the file or link is not required, you can define the attributes at top level.
    • Who can see which extras can be tuned with :roles such as :logged-in, :applicant or :handler.
    • See config-defaults.edn for more details.


  • The previous applications block is now shown only if there are some. (#2836)
  • The application Actions block is now successfully hidden, if there are no actions available (#2836)
  • The component guide page had accumulated some small errors that are now fixed. (#2836)
  • The component guide links to component source code works again. (#3080)
  • Saving application no longer crashes when a resource requires DUO:0000024 (MOR) code. This could occur when applicant had not entered a value for the date restriction field. (#3086)