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EMC and Discoveries

Olivia edited this page Mar 10, 2021 · 1 revision

EMC is essentially the "currency" of the mod. Almost everything has an EMC value. There's a default emc.json file provided in the plugin on first load. All block's EMC values are stored here. Using the /setemc command, admins can change any item's EMC value.

When you transmute an item into EMC, you "Discover" it, meaning you can transmute EMC into that item, given you have enough EMC for it. For example, the default EMC of a diamond is 8,192. Transmute one and you'll learn DIAMOND and gain 8,192 EMC, though it will take the diamond from your inventory. If you also /transmute take cobblestone (EMC: 1), you'll now have learned both COBBLESTONE and DIAMOND (at this point you'll have 8,193 EMC). So, now you can /transmute get COBBLESTONE 12 to turn some of your EMC into cobblestone. That's worth 12 EMC, you'll have 8,181 EMC. Now, if you try to transmute into Diamonds, you'll be unable to since you don't have enough EMC.

To view everything you've discovered, type /discoveries. This will show all you've learned. If there's too many or you want to narrow it down, add an argument as a search term, such as /discoveries DIAMOND, it will only show items that are or have DIAMOND in their name, such as a Diamond or a Diamond shovel.

Depending on how your config.yml is setup, EMC will either be separate from the economy or it will merge with it. It's up to you how you want to do it. You can always view your emc with /emc

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