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Valdas Vaitiekaitis edited this page May 15, 2017 · 4 revisions

Program guide

As of version 1.2 and further this plug-in supports program guide in XMLTV format, you can specify file name (but You should not specify a path outside Resources folder because Plex prohibits it) or a link to an online file in preferences. If using online guide You need to specify a direct link to it, with http part included. Remote guide might be compressed in GZIP format, file name should end with .xml.gz then, other compression algorithms and local compressed files are not supported at the moment.

Plug-in will try to match the program guide with playlist streams by the stream title, but to make things easier tvg-id attribute might be used to represent the exact XMLTV channel, for example if XMLTV looks something like this:

  <channel id="id1">
    <display-name lang="en">Cartoon Network RSE</display-name>
  <programme start="20160321031000 +0200" stop="20160321040100 +0200" channel="id1">

then previously mentioned playlist might look like this:

#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="id1" tvg-logo="icon-default.png" group-title="Cartoons" group-logo="icon-folder.png",Cartoon Network

Recommended software for XMLTV generation would be WebGrab+Plus, please refer to its documentation on how to set it up.

Please note, program guide is quite demanding on resources and I do not recommend using XMLTV file that has more channels than You actually need and the shorter the period its generated for the better.