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Core Team Tools and Responsibilities

Kym Phillpotts edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 1 revision

.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Core Team Tools + Responsibilities

This article covers the responsibilities and expectations for each core maintainer of the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit.


Each member of the core team agrees to join the team for a duration of one year, with the lead maintainer agreeing for 1.25 years (1 year + 3 months).

At the end of each one-year term, each core maintainer may extend their commitment to another one-year term.


Team Member

Each member of the core team agrees agrees to the following responsibilities:

  • Attend, participate and contribute to the monthly standup
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Triage Issues
  • Champion New Feature Proposals
  • Contribute a minimum of 1 activity per week
    • Activities include, but are not limited to, submitting a pull request, reviewing a pull request, triaging an issue, responding to discussions, championing a proposal, etc

Team Lead

The Team Leader of the core team agrees agrees to the following responsibilities:

  • Ensure Discussions responses are timely
  • Ensure Issues are triaged
  • Ensure New Feature Proposals are added to the Project Board
  • Ensure New Feature Proposals are up-to-date, adhering to the New Feature Workflow
  • Ensure Team Members have access to the Core Maintainer Tools
  • Set agenda for Monthly Standups

Core Maintainer Tools