Slides and resources from CPPP 2021
C++'s Superpower - Matt Godbolt
Iterators and Ranges: Comparing C++ to D, Rust, and Others - Barry Revzin
The C++ rvalue lifetime disaster - Arno Schoedl
ctbench: compile time benchmarking for Clang - Jules Pénuchot
The foundation of C++ atomics: The knowledge you need to correctly use C++ atomics - Filipe Mulonde
The concepts of concepts - Sandor Dargo
Sandbox Games: Using WebAssembly and C++ to make a simple game - Ólafur Waage
Using C++ as a C on steroids - Serge Guelton
SIMD in C++20 - EVE of a new Era - Joël Falcou
Exceptional C++ - Victor Ciura
Cross-Platform Development with CMake - Julien Jomier
How I learned to stop worrying and love MISRA - Loïc Joly
The Performance Price of Virtual Functions - Ivica Bogosavljevic
Why you should move your legacy code to smart pointers. - Sébastien Gonzalve
Our Adventure building a massively scalable C++ remote compiler cloud - Damien Buhl
Just Enough Assembly for Compiler Explorer - Anders Schau Knatten
What Classes we Design and How - Peter Sommerlad
A Series of Unfortunate Bugs - Satabdi Das
Constructors and destructors: A few things you might want to know - Pavel Novikov
Performance is not (only) about micro-optimizations! - Clément Grégoire
Safer multithreading programming with C++ - Sébastien Gonzalve