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Bare-minimum Gradle plugin for putting vanilla Minecraft, remapped with official names, on the compilation classpath.

Now with access widener support!


minivan is for people writing jaredlll08/MultiLoader-Template -style mods who need something to fill out the compilation classpath on their Common/Xplat subproject, but don't need much else. Traditionally, this is done with the excellent VanillaGradle project.

However, while VanillaGradle is very general-purpose, minivan is designed specifically for the needs of Fabric and Forge modders. minivan does not download assets/natives, does not contain a runClient/runServer task, and does not contain a nice decompiler, under the expectation that your Fabric and Forge projects already have everything you need. This allows minivan to be simple, fast, and leave your workspace free from extraneous copies of the Minecraft assets.

minivan also does not perform reobfuscation; any code built against minivanned-minecraft dependencies will be compiled and published with names as they appear in your IDE.


Quick start

Sample buildscript

Your (sub)project's build.gradle

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }
		maven { url "" }
	dependencies {
		classpath "agency.highlysuspect:minivan:0.4"

apply plugin: "java"
apply plugin: "agency.highlysuspect.minivan"

minivan {
Sample buildscript using "plugins dsl"

Your root project's settings.gradle:

pluginManagement {
	repositories {
		gradlePluginPortal() //i think
		maven { url "" }
		maven { url "" }

Your (sub)project's build.gradle:

plugins {
	id "java"
	id "agency.highlysuspect.minivan" version "0.4"

minivan {

Either of these buildscripts will cause the Minecraft 1.20.1 client and server to be downloaded, remapped to official names, merged, and stuck onto the compileOnly configuration along with all its dependencies (LWJGL, etc). This'll happen in afterEvaluate. See ./demo for a worked example.

To apply Fabric-style access wideners, do this: (available since 0.5)

minivan {
  accessWideners "./path/to/your.accesswidener"

Note that this will also "projectmap" your Minecraft jar, i.e. it'll get dropped into the project-specific .gradle/cache dir instead of the global Gradle cache.

Nuts and bolts

Using the minivan { } block is optional. For a lower-level imperative experience, try the minivan.minecraftBuilder function (available since 0.5) instead:

//this object is a `agency.highlysuspect.minivan.prov.MinecraftProvider.Result`:
def mc = minivan.minecraftBuilder()

//java.nio.Path to the "minecraft, remapped and merged" jar on your computer
println("merged minecraft jar: ${mc.minecraft}")

//List<String>, maven-style coordinates to Minecraft's dependencies
//(psst- the plugin automatically adds Mojang's maven and mavenCentral, so these should just work) 
println("maven dependency count: ${mc.dependencies.size()}")

//let's add Minecraft to the compileOnly classpath manually:
project.dependencies.add("compileOnly", project.files(mc.minecraft))
mc.dependencies.forEach { project.dependencies.add("compileOnly", it) }

.minecraftBuilder is defined in MinivanExt. You can call .version() to set the version and .accessWideners() to add AW files.

After that, call .build().getMinecraft(), and that'll take care of the downloading/remapping/merging/AWs for you. What you do with the data is up to you. (Try grabbing a few jars and pumping them into crossroad?)

(Older versions of the plugin, since 0.2, support a free-standing minivan.getMinecraft(version) function. This is soft-deprecated, because it's still a useful function but there's no way to further configure it.)

Other options

Useful information is logged at the --info level.

  • If you pass --refresh-dependencies, pass -Dminivan.refreshDependencies=true, or set minivan { refreshDependencies = true } in-script, all derived artifacts will be deleted and recomputed.
  • If you pass --offline, pass -Dminivan.offline, or set minivan { offline = true } in-script, minivan will now error-out instead of making network connections.
  • If you pass -Dminivan.explainHashes or set minivan { explainHashes = true } in-script, additional files will be dumped into your Gradle cache explaining where the hashes in the cached artifact's filenames come from.

The minivan-specific ones only affect minivan and not the other things in Gradle that are controlled by those switches.

Migrating from VanillaGradle

  • Swap the plugin invocation to agency.highlysuspect.minivan.
  • Change minecraft { to minivan {.
  • You might need to add a compileOnly dependency on "org.jetbrains:annotations:24.0.1".

There are only two supported VanillaGradle functions inside the minivan block, version and accessWideners. No Gradle tasks are added by the plugin.

Important note for IntelliJ users:

  • Right click on any project or task in the Gradle Tool Window and select "Tasks Activation".
  • Remove all task activations that refer to running a :prepareWorkspace task after syncing.
    • This will probably be "all of the task activations".
    • minivan does not add the prepareWorkspace task, so IntelliJ sync will fail until this activation is removed.

things that this plugin glues together

The neat thing about writing Gradle tooling for Minecraft in 2023 2024 is that everyone has already wrote everything by now. It's just a matter of assembling other people's libraries in the right way with the right glue code. This plugin is like 5% original work by-weight. Most of the heavy lifting is done by:

The general approach (prov package) has been copied from how I ended up structuring voldeloom.


  • that stuff i commented out in JarMergerCooler in voldeloom might need to be brought back lol (⛄)
  • Parchment stuff:
    • param-name mappings
    • javadoc (which requires implementing genSources, doing linemapping, etc. voldeloom has mosta that stuff)
    • mh. Hard. Loom supports Parchment, if you really want Patchment you can open your Loom project's sources.
  • Hmm: optional mode that tries to use a cached jar from fabric-loom, to save RAM




Bare-minimum Gradle plugin for vanilla Minecraft







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