This challenge refers to next job announcement
The test is about developing a project using open itunes API to list music videos with information as:
- Artist’s name
- Song’s name
- Track time
- Video Preview (It must play in the app itself)
- Link to artist page on iTunes (Webview or simple screen with description is acceptable)
Example of an URL to call iTunes API:
- Method: GET
- URL:
You can use some previews data. Do a field to search music videos by artist´s name. Provide a Splash Screen. The app must be support iPhone in portrait and landscape screen orientation.
Feel free to use third-party libraries (CocoaPods) Use apple design guidelines:
- Use Swift 5.2.
- Use VIPER architecture.
- Use Dependency Injections.
- Autolayout using storyboard and code.
- At least one UI Tests and Unit Tests using XCTest.
- Error handling and retry requests.
- Rx programming is optional if candidate evaluates important for VIPER architecture.
Another important requirements but not mandatories
- Objective-C - at least read and understand code developed in it
- Configure Fastlane for automate build and deploy
- Be able to develop screens in xib/storyboard/code.
- Be able to use REST and parse its responses.
Good luck!