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QPrompt 1.0.0-beta-002 (8/21/2021)

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@Cuperino Cuperino released this 19 Sep 04:28


New features

  • Prompter projection now works with a single screen
  • Implemented vertical flipping on prompter projections
  • Implemented text highlighting


  • Full screen button is now always visible on all platforms except macOS, which follows macOS conventions
  • Changes to speed and acceleration slider now reflect immediately
  • Moved speed and acceleration sliders from application menu to editor
  • Increased accuracy of speed and acceleration sliders
  • Created toggable editor section for settings that need quick access but only must be used occasionally
  • Made "Font size" text description less redundant
  • Middle read region automatically places region at the center of the screen on full screen mobile platforms


  • Fixed opacity not working on macOS
  • Top menu's background no longer disappears when read region is set to top or full screen is enabled

Other changes

  • Wrote working Flatpak creation configuration files
  • Switched to Qt's font renderer for comparison purposes


This is an early pre-release version of QPrompt created for testing platform specific bugs and to improve on the user experience. Although most 1.0 features have been implemented at this point, some features and icons are missing.

Caution: Avoid opening files in formats that are not HTML, Markdown or Plain Text. Opening other files may result in accidental data loss if you save over them, even when the file might not have opened successfully. For documents in formats outside the ones mentioned, it is best to copy paste their contents into QPrompt for this beta.