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Non inferiority by iMRMC

Brandon Gallas edited this page May 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

How to perform a non-inferiority analysis with the iMRMC software

Issue recap

In response to a question posed in the “How do I do a non-inferiority study?” issue on the package’s Github repository (, we have developed an example guide using the R package that demonstrates using the iMRMC software to help future users. This wiki page is based on an R markdown file that contains the R code for reproducing the results: LINK to R markdown file.

The issue asked how to find the p-value of a noninferiority study comparing split-plot radiologist reads against an AI reading all cases. The work of Chen, Petrick, and Sahiner (2012) addresses this issue, but the method they present uses the OR model (Obuchowski and Rockette Jr. (1995)) and assumes the data are fully crossed (all readers read all cases). The iMRMC software can produce the OR variance components only when the data is fully crossed, so the issue is asking for a solution that makes use of the iMRMC software for alternate study designs, and the split-plot study in particular (Obuchowski, Gallas, and Hillis (2012)).

The measure of diagnostic accuracy used is AUC, where the experimental modality is a single AI algorithm and the conventional modality is the radiologists’ reads. The margin parameter is set to a level of $\delta = 0.05$. Further, the significance level is $\alpha = 0.05$.

Viper Example - Set up

To answer this question, we will use the ViperObservation data from the ViperData package ( This data assesses radiologists’ diagnostic performance using screen film mammography (SFM) and full field digital mammography (FFDM) under varying study designs, which is outlined by Gallas et al. (2019) ( Similar to the issue posed, the diagnostic accuracy of each modality is measured by AUC from a split-plot study. In this manuscript, the experimental modality being tested is AI simulated from the FFDM data, compared to the conventional modality of SFM. We will use a margin parameter of $\delta = 0.05$ and a significance level of $\alpha = 0.05$. To address the question of comparing an AI reading all cases to radiologists’ split-plot reads, we will simulate an AI modality based on FFDM data and assess its scores against the SFM scores.

Viper Example - Hypotheses

For noninferiority testing, the null and alternative hypotheses have been described in Chen, Petrick, and Sahiner (2012) ( and are copied here:

$$H_0: \theta_e - \theta_c = -\delta \text{ or } H_0: \theta_e - \theta_c + \delta = 0$$

$$H_1: \theta_e - \theta_c > -\delta \text{ or } H_1: \theta_e - \theta_c + \delta > 0$$

where $\theta_e$ is the diagnostic accuracy of experimental modality, or the AUC of AI in the current example. Similarly, $\theta_c$, or the diagnostic accuracy of the conventional modality, represents the AUC of SFM in the current example. Chen, Petrick, and Sahiner (2012) describe this set of hypotheses as testing that “the performance of the new modality is no worse than $\delta$ below that of the conventional modality.”

Therefore, if we can reject $H_0$, then we have shown that that the experimental modality (ie. AI) is not inferior to the conventional modality (ie. SFM). If we fail to reject $H_0$, then the experimental modality may be inferior to the conventional modality.

Viper Example - Load Data

To use the viperData package, we can download the package in its entirety here:, as a tar.gz or zip file and install the package from the computer’s local library. This is possible using the Tools dropdown, selecting “Install packages…,” and changing the “Install From:” option to “Package Archive File.” From here we can browse and select the downloaded viperData package to install and load into our Environment.

#Load iMRMC package

#Load Viper data 
viperObs <- viperData::viperObs

#Choose one sub-study => screeningHighP
screeningHighP <- viperObs[viperObs$subStudyLabel == "screeningHighP", , drop = FALSE]
screeningHighP$caseID <- as.character(screeningHighP$caseID)

Viper Example - Simulate AI

The iMRMC function that will perform the analysis expects the input dataframe to consist of 4 columns: readerID, caseID, modalityID, and score. The truth modality in the resulting iMRMC dataframe represents the “ground truth” on the state of any case as diseased ($N_1$) or non-diseased ($N_0$). More information regarding these variables are available in the package documentation here: To shape the original data into this form, use the createIMRMCdf() function specifying the variable columns mentioned above.

We begin preparing the data for analysis by separating the FFDM data from the SFM data. We will use the FFDM data to simulate an AI reader.

#Create iMRMC dataframe
dfMRMC <- createIMRMCdf(screeningHighP, 
                         keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID",
                                           caseID = "caseID",
                                           modalityID = "modalityID",
                                           score = "score",
                                           truth = "cancerStatus455"),
                         truePositiveFactor = "1")

#Subset FFDM reads from all readers
dfMRMC_onlyFFDM <- subset(dfMRMC, modalityID == "FFDM")

#Subset SFM reads from all readers
dfMRMC_onlySFM <- subset(dfMRMC, modalityID == "SFM")

#Subset truth reads from all readers
dfMRMC_onlyTruth <- subset(dfMRMC, modalityID == "truth")

To simulate data from an AI reading all cases, both as modality and reader, we will combine data from multiple readers. We do this by cycling though all readers in the dfMRMC_onlyFFDM dataframe and adding the first instance of each case to the new dataframe dfMRMC_AImod. Once we have just one score for each case under this modality, the modalityID is changed to “AI” and the readerID for these scores is renamed to “AI.1.” Now we have simulated the score results of AI reads for all cases.

#Create a dataframe for AI simulated reads from FFDM modality
dfMRMC_AImod <- data.frame()

#Loop through all cases in caseID and isolate each case from the chosen readers just once
for(i in unique(dfMRMC_onlyFFDM$readerID)) { 
  remainingCases <- dfMRMC_onlyFFDM[!dfMRMC_onlyFFDM$caseID %in% 
                                      dfMRMC_AImod$caseID, , drop = FALSE]
  dfMRMC_AImod <- rbind(dfMRMC_AImod, subset(remainingCases, readerID == i))

#Change modalityID to "AI" for all cases
dfMRMC_AImod$modalityID <- "AI"

#Change readerID to "AI.1" for all cases
dfMRMC_AImod$readerID <- "AI.1"

For the purpose of the software, we need to duplicate those results for a second reader which we will call “AI.2.” This process and reasoning is covered on the iMRMC repository wiki here: By duplicating these scores on the same cases, there is no reader variability for the AI “readers.”

#Duplicate those cases and rename with readerID "AI.2" 
dfMRMC_AImod2 <- dfMRMC_AImod
dfMRMC_AImod2$readerID <- "AI.2"

#Bind dataframe with 2 AI "readers" with duplicate scores on all cases
dfMRMC_AImod <- rbind(dfMRMC_AImod, dfMRMC_AImod2)

## Bind simulated AI reads with split-plot SFM reads 

#Bind full dataframe with only SFM, truth and AI rows 
dfMRMC_AI <- rbind(dfMRMC_onlyTruth, dfMRMC_onlySFM, dfMRMC_AImod)

Viper Example - Run iMRMC

Once the dataframe is shaped into iMRMC’s expected format, we run the doIMRMC function which provides 5 results. These include:

  1. perReader: per-reader AUC results

  2. Ustat: reader-averaged AUC results using U-statistics

  3. MLEstat: reader-averaged AUC results using maximum likelihood estimation

  4. ROC: modality-specific ROC curves, and

  5. varDecomp: 5 variance decompositions for the reader-averaged AUCs.

#Run iMRMC analysis function
results <- doIMRMC(dfMRMC_AI)

Viper Example - P-value calculation

As Chen, Petrick, and Sahiner (2012) describe, the p-value for a noninferiority test is $$P = 2(1-F(t;{df}_0|H_0)),$$ where $F(t; {df}_0|H_0)$ is the cumulative distribution function of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. The test statistic is $$t = \frac{\hat\theta_e - \hat\theta_c + \delta}{\hat{sd}},$$

where $\hat{sd}$ is the standard deviation of the difference between the diagnostic accuracy of each modality and the hats indicate estimates of population parameters. The accuracies of each modality ($\theta_e \text{ and } \theta_c$ or modA and modB, respectively) are reader-averaged. The iMRMC function provides these reader-averaged estimates in the object uStat. Here we show how to calculate the test statistic.

#Isolate data frame of reader-averaged U-stats based performance results
uStat <- results[['Ustat']] 

#Capture degrees of freedom
#The third row we are calling here assesses the accuracy of modA against modB
dfBDG <- uStat[3, 'dfBDG']

#Capture variance of the difference between modalities, ie. the total variance
varAUCAminusAUCB <- uStat[3, 'varAUCAminusAUCB']

#Define all variables used in the t-statistic calculation 
marginParam = 0.05
aucA = uStat[3, 'AUCA'] 
aucB = uStat[3, 'AUCB'] 
sd = sqrt(varAUCAminusAUCB)
#Calculate t statistic
tStat <- (aucA - aucB + marginParam) / sd

#Calculate p-value from tStat 
pValue <- 2*(1 - pt(tStat, df = dfBDG))
aucA aucB marginParameter sd tStat pValue alpha
0.7500 0.7379 0.0500 0.0296 2.0956 0.0380 0.0500

Calculation components of p-value

The p value of 0.038 is less than our significance level of 0.05, indicating that we reject $H_0$ and the simulated AI is not inferior to SFM.

Viper Example - BDG variance decomposition

While the total variance of the difference is provided by the doIMRMC function in the Ustat dataframe as varAUCAminusAUCB, we will also use the varDecomp results from the same function to find this variance for the BDG variance components separately to demonstrate the relationship. Understanding this relationship between coefficients and components allows us to explore different study designs.

In the BDG variance decomposition, the total variance of the difference between modalities is split into 8 second-order U-statistic moments and their respective coefficients. The total variance is then the linear combinations of these coefficients and component terms.

Here is the one-shot total variance estimate where the coefficients $c_1-c_8$ have already been adjusted by the number of readers ($R$):

$$\hat V= c_1\hat M_1 + c_2\hat M_2 + c_3\hat M_3 + c_4\hat M_4 + c_5\hat M_5 +c_6\hat M_6 + c_7\hat M_7 + (c_8-1)\hat M_8$$ (Gallas 2006) (

Further reading of that paper will provide a more detailed description of how the coefficients are calculated based on number of readers, non-diseased cases, and diseased cases when the data is fully crossed (every reader reads every case in all modalities). If the study design is not fully crossed, as it is in the split-plot Viper study, the coefficients are more complicated and can be calculated with the iMRMC software (Chen, Gong, and Gallas 2018). Gallas and Brown (2008) offer explanations on these non-fully-crossed coefficients.

Here we compose two data frames of the BDG coefficients BDG_AI.SFM_coeff and components BDG_AI.SFM_comp from the iMRMC output.

#List of methods of total variance decompositions
listVarDecomp <- results[['varDecomp']] 

#Isolate BDG variance decomposition coefficients and component data frames from list
BDG_AI.SFM_coeff <- listVarDecomp[["BDG"]]$Ustat$coeff$AI.SFM
BDG_AI.SFM_comp <- listVarDecomp[["BDG"]]$Ustat$comp$AI.SFM

These data frames (printed as Table 1 and Table 2, respectively) each provide 3 rows corresponding to the variance of each modality (labeled AI and SFM) and the covariance of the difference between the two modalities (labeled AI.SFM). Values in these tables have been rounded for conciseness.

Briefly, the coefficients are scale factors determined by the number of readers, non-diseased, and diseased cases within the data-collection study design. The coefficients for the covariance between the two modalities (row 3, AI.SFM) have already been multiplied by 2, as is needed for calculating the total variance of the difference in modalities. Since there is no reader overlap across modalities, $M_1 \text{ through } M_4$ of the covariance row for both the coefficients and components are identically 0. This phenomena is further explained in Gallas and Brown (2008).

$c_1$ $c_2$ $c_3$ $c_4$ $c_5$ $c_6$ $c_7$ $(1-c_8)$
AI 3.53e-05 4.55e-03 3.81e-03 4.92e-01 3.53e-05 4.55e-03 3.81e-03 -5.08e-01
SFM 5.66e-05 1.78e-03 1.49e-03 4.67e-02 2.27e-04 7.13e-03 5.96e-03 -6.34e-02
2*(AI.SFM) 0 0 0 0 1.41e-04 1.82e-02 1.52e-02 -3.36e-02

Coefficients of the moments based on numbers of reader and cases

The components are the U-statistic moment estimates. $M_1 - M_7$ are the success moments, or “naturally-occurring second moments” of the score for the random effects of readers, non-diseased cases, and diseased cases as given in Table 1 of Gallas et al. (2009) ( $M_8$ is the mean squared, which will be subtracted from the success moments to calculate the covariances. Notice that in the AI modality $M_5 \text { through }M_8$ are identical to $M_1 \text { through } M_4$ because the readers are perfectly duplicated.

$M_1$ $M_2$ $M_3$ $M_4$ $M_5$ $M_6$ $M_7$ $M_8$
AI 7.49e-01 6.48e-01 5.95e-01 5.61e-01 7.49e-01 6.48e-01 5.95e-01 5.61e-01
SFM 7.34e-01 6.15e-01 5.92e-01 5.43e-01 5.98e-01 5.77e-01 5.57e-01 5.44e-01
AI.SFM 0 0 0 0 5.91e-01 5.83e-01 5.62e-01 5.53e-01

Components of second-order U-statistic moment estimates

The code below will execute the linear combination and summation to arrive at the total variance of the difference.

#Create a new data frame of linear combination of coefficient and component moments
contributionsToVariance <- BDG_AI.SFM_coeff * BDG_AI.SFM_comp

#Sum moments to get the total Var contributions for each modality and interaction
varianceSums <-

#Sum variance of each modality and subtract the 2*covariance term
totalVarianceofDiff <- as.numeric(varianceSums[1,1] + varianceSums[2, 1] - varianceSums[3,1])
var(AUC_AI) 1.06e-03
var(AUC_SFM) 5.06e-04
2*cov(AUC_AI, AUC_SFM) 6.86e-04
var(AUC_AI - AUC_SFM) 8.78e-04

Total variance for each modality and interaction

The total variance of the difference is 0.0008782.


$\text{Gardecki, Emma}^1 \text{ and } \text{Gallas, Brandon D.}^1$

$^1$ FDA/CDRH/OSEL/Division of Imaging, Diagnostics, and Software Reliability, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States


Chen, Weijie, Qi Gong, and Brandon D. Gallas. 2018. “Paired Split-Plot Designs of Multireader Multicase Studies.” Journal of Medical Imaging 5: 031410.

Chen, Weijie, Nicholas A. Petrick, and Berkman Sahiner. 2012. “Hypothesis Testing in Noninferiority and Equivalence MRMC ROC Studies.” Academic Radiology 19: 1158–65.

Gallas, Brandon D. 2006. “One-Shot Estimate of MRMC Variance: AUC.” Academic Radiology 13: 353–62.

Gallas, Brandon D. 2017. “IMRMC-R v1.2.4: Application for Analyzing and Sizing MRMC Reader Studies.

Gallas, Brandon D., Andriy Bandos, Frank W. Samuelson, and Robert F. Wagner. 2009. “A Framework for Random-Effects ROC Analysis: Biases with the Bootstrap and Other Variance Estimators.” Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 38: 2586–2603.

Gallas, Brandon D., and David G. Brown. 2008. “Reader Studies for Validation of CAD Systems.” Neural Networks Special Conference Issue 21: 387–97.

Gallas, Brandon D., Weijie Chen, Elodia Cole, Robert Ochs, Nicholas A. Petrick, Etta D. Pisano, Berkman Sahiner, Frank W. Samuelson, and Kyle J. Myers. 2019. “Impact of Prevalence and Case Distribution in Lab-Based Diagnostic Imaging Studies.” Journal of Medical Imaging 6: 015501.

Obuchowski, Nancy A., Brandon D. Gallas, and Stephen L. Hillis. 2012. “Multi-Reader ROC Studies Iwth Split-Plot Designs: A Comparison of Statistical Methods.” Academic Radiology 19: 1508–17.

Obuchowski, Nancy A., and Howard E. Rockette Jr. 1995. “Hypothesis Testing of Diagnostic Accuracy for Multiple Readers and Multiple Tests an Anova Approach with Dependent Observations.” Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 24: 285–308.