Messing around trying to get to grips with data.
Repository contains all project planning documents for CSCM10 Project Planning module and all Data Science work completed for CSCM20 the actual dissertation project.
This repository contains:
- Directories containing dissertation related submissions: Literature Review and Project Specification.
- The dissertation pdf document.
- Jupyter Notebooks where the main work of the project is completed.
- The original data used in the project, must be unzipped first.
- A file which was created to transform the data from its original JSON format to a CSV format.
- A Tableau with helpful visualisions inside.
To download the previous study's mouse Mouse go to and follow the instructions. The data is found in the '/datasets-sa_mouse_tracking/' folder.
In order to run all the code the Notebooks must be executed in order from 1 to 5. This is because some of the notebooks rely on transformations made to the original data in other Notebooks.