Never miss the next gamestop
Are you afraid of missing out the next game stop? This script scrapes the subreddit wallstreetbets for the most discussed stocks and sends you an email which stocks you could add to your watchlist.
- First things first: We need Data from reddit --> Reddit API
- After that, we need to preprocess the data (new post, comments) --> Remove Stopwords and Flagged Words (YOLO, PUMP, ATH)
- Ok, but how do we get the stocks now? --> We then compare the preprocessed data with a list of all stocks listed at NASDAQ (Ticker)
- Count the occurence of the most mentioned stocks and finally you'll get an email that contains the most discussed stocks on wsb right now
DISCLAIMER: Do your own research! Wallstreetbets is not a trustworthy source to bet your money on.
If you want to run this code locally, get a copy and follow these simple steps.
You need to download python in order to run the script Download Python here.
- Get a free API Key at
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Enter your API credentials in
- Put in your Gmail Account in
sender_address = "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
receiver_address = "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
account_password = "GMAIL_PASSWORD"
- Run