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DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX
Pong game clone made in Unreal Engine 4.23.1 (compatible with newer versions).
Project info/blog at https://dfx.lv/gd/pongfx_4176/ .
- No Tick events.
- Single common project settings to build all supported platforms (Desktop, Mobile, Web, VR).
- AI Behaviour Tree and AI Tasks.
- Minimum package build sizes using DefaultPakFileRules.ini . Ex: HTML5 20MB, Win64 34MB.
- Following current UE4 Best Practices.
- 1245 FPS, Game 0.70ms, Draw 0.74ms, GPU 0.84ms. (GPU 1080TI)
v1.1 - Released. Changelog:
- Better control information screen.
- Smoother player movement.
- Faster AI movement and hit variation.
- Replaced hard coded values for variables.
- PackageBuilder.bat for automated build releases.
v1.0 - Released.
Specifications - http://www-classes.usc.edu/engr/ee-s/477p/s00/pong.html .
Font - Classic Console - http://webdraft.hu/fonts/classic-console/ .
Audio Content from UE4 Engine Content: EjectFromPlayer_Cue, EndSimulate_Cue, PossessPlayer_Cue, VR_click1_Cue .
Unreal Engine by Epic Games - https://www.unrealengine.com/ .
@Copyleft all wrongs reserved.
DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX