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Expandable List Module for Hogan


Install the module using Composer composer require dekodeinteraktiv/hogan-expandable-list or simply by downloading this repository and placing it in wp-content/plugins


Available filters

  • hogan/module/expandable_list/list_item_classes

  • hogan/module/expandable_list/load_styles

  • hogan/module/expandable_list/load_scripts

  • hogan/module/expandable_list/content/media - allow/disallow media upload button in list item wysiwyg. Default 0.

  • hogan/module/expandable_list/content/tabs - change what tabs are shown for list item wysiwyg. Default 'all'.

  • hogan/module/expandable_list/content/toolbar - customize toolbar for expandable list item wysiwyg. Default 'hogan_caption' from Hogan Core.