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EDataNow pushes csv reports hourly to S3. This powershell script downloads all of the new CSV's from S3 and allows the end user to process each new csv file individually.


Developers Quick Start Setup

This is dangerous for Production Machines as any Powershell script can run

  • Run PowerShell as Administrator
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  • Navigate to CSVDownloadAndProcess
  • Create a ./config/config.ps1 with the information below.
    • Change $ProcessPath="$($BaseDirectory)\bin\Win32ConsoleApplication.exe" to your custom executable
    • Do the same for $FinishPath and $FailurePath, if necessary.
  • Run the script with powershell.exe .\DAPr-CSV.ps1 -EmailPassword "your password" -DBPassword "your password" params are optional.
    • Optional Credentials params -UserName "YOUR_USER_NAME" -AccessKeyId "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID" -SecretAccessKey "YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" -ConsoleLoginLink "YOUR_CONSOLE_LOGIN_LINK". If you use one Credentials variable, you must include them all.
      • Additional Optional Credential params -Region "us-east-1" -Server "" -Language "en" -Processor "./db_store.rb" If not included uses defaults.


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$User= Import-CSV $BaseDirectory\credentials\*.csv

$UserDirectory = "$($env:UserDomain)_$($env:UserName)" -replace '[<>:"/\\|?*]','-'
$UserDirectory = "$($BaseDirectory)\credentials\$($UserDirectory)\"

if(!(Test-Path -Path "$($UserDirectory )")){
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$($UserDirectory)"

if (!(Test-Path -Path "$($UserDirectory)ReportingEmail.txt")){
    Write-Host "Please enter a password for the reporting email." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File "$($UserDirectory)ReportingEmail.txt"

# replace the sample fields in the below information with the correct values
$ServerList="" #separate desired servers with a comma

#Email for failure_hook
$To="[email protected]"
$From="[email protected]"
$Cc="[email protected]"
$FailSubject="Email Subject"
$FinishSubject="Email Subject"
$FailBody="Insert Failure body text here"
$FinishBody="Insert Finish body text here"
$EmailPassword= Get-Content "$($UserDirectory)ReportingEmail.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString
$EmailSender= New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $From, $EmailPassword

To use the included Store-CSV_SQLServer.ps1 script to process the files into a local database, the $ProcessPath variable can be set to $ProcessPath="$($BaseDirectory)\Store-CSV_SQLServer.ps1" The following must also be added and configured in the config.ps1 file:

#Windows Authentication Database Connection

$DBConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$DBConn.ConnectionString = "Server=$DBServer;Database=$Database;Integrated Security=True"


#SQLServer Authentication Database Connection
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$($UserDirectory)SQLServer.txt")){
    Write-Host "Please enter a password for the sql Server." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File "$($UserDirectory)SQLServer.txt"
$DBPassword= Get-Content "$($UserDirectory)SQLServer.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

$DBConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$DBConn.Credential = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential($DBUserID,$DBPassword)
$DBConn.ConnectionString = "Server=$DBServer;Database=$Database"


To use the included Create-Scheduled-Task.ps1 script to process the files into a local database with a hourly task. The following must be added to the bottom of config.ps1 file, before running Create-Scheduled-Task.ps1.

#Task Information
$TaskName = "EDataNow_CSV_Sync"
$TaskDescription = "Hourly CSV bucket pull and update."
$TaskAuthor = "E-Data Now"
$TaskServer = $env:computername
$TaskUsername = "Admin"
$TaskFilePath = "$($BaseDirectory)\Scheduled-Task.ps1"

if (!(Test-Path -Path "$($UserDirectory)ScheduledTask.txt")){
    Write-Host "Please enter `"$($TaskUsername)'s`" password for the task setup." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File "$($UserDirectory)ScheduledTask.txt"
$TaskPassword= Get-Content "$($UserDirectory)ScheduledTask.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $TaskUsername, $TaskPassword
$Password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password


#requires -version 3
param([string]$CSVPath, [string]$RemoteServer, [string]$Language)

# Modify the code below to suit your needs

&$ProcessPath $CSVPath $RemoteServer $Language

Custom Executable

The PowerShell script will pass 3 arguments to the executable that you may find useful.

  • Full Path of the CSV
  • Server Name,
  • Language

./Win32ConsoleApplication/ contains a sample custom application that will build itself into the $(BaseDirectory)/Bin/ folder when run. This directory is never touched during updates, and so the script can be freely modified or replaced. NOTE: The powershell script will halt at the Processing stage if no application is defined.

Resetting the Script

  • Delete anything from $($BaseDirectory)/servers/{server-name}/Processed and it will be redownloaded.
  • Deleting all of $($BaseDirectory)/servers/ content will force the script to redownload everything.


  • ServerList - servers you wish to pull .scv files from, separated by a comma
  • Language - language to display .csv files in
  • ReportEmail - email to receive failure notifications
  • ProcessPath / FailurePath / FinishPath - see below
  • UseFailureHook / UseFinishHook - leave this false to bypass the corresponding hook

Hooks for Developers to Extend

There are three points of interaction available: process, failure, and finish. Each has a corresponding Hook-*.ps1 script which can invoke an external application provided by you.

  • Process: Occurs once for each downloaded file, in roll-up order. Takes a .csv path, server, and language as arguments.
  • Failure: Occurs only when an application invoked by Process throws an exception. Takes a .csv path, date/time, and error information as arguments.
  • Finish: Occurs once all downloaded .csv files have been passed to the Process application. Takes date/time as an argument.

Admin/Production Setup

  • Run PowerShell as Administrator
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
  • Navigate to CSVDownloadAndProcess
  • Use makecert.exe to sign all scripts to be run (guide).
    • Pre-signed script titled Sign-Script.ps1 can be used to sign your scripts, using the command powershell.exe -file .\Sign-Scripts.ps1 followed by the path to the script to be signed. Use this script on Sign-DefaultScripts.ps1 and then run Sign-DefaultScripts.ps1 with powershell.exe -file .\Sign-DefaultScripts


  • 13.Apr.2016: S3 Folder Structure Changes
    • Bucket is now customer specific; determined by credentials file
    • Paths modified to match new structure
    • No functional changes to any scripts/config


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