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Collection JSON Graphviz Hypermedia API

jvelilla edited this page Feb 22, 2013 · 11 revisions

Graphviz Hypermedia API, using Collection JSON media type [1]

The actual design allows users to:

  • Register a new user
  • Add, Update, Delete graph definitions (only for registered users)
  • Retrieve a fix set of representations, pdf, jpg, png, gif
  • Anonymous users can browse the API, and retrieve the graph representation, but they can't Create/Update/Delete them.
  • Paging graph results

A simplified state machine is described here

We are using Basic Authentication, we plan to extend it with other options like OAuth, OpenId, etc.

State transitions

  • The home page
  • Template for register a new user
  • The list of graphs (pages)
  • A single graph selected from the previous list
  • The list of graph per user
  • A single graph selected from the previous list per user
  • Template for create a new graph
  • Template for updating an existing graph
  • Delete an existing graph


  • template for queries

Graphviz API

Home Page


	  "collection": {
		"version": "1.0", 
		"href": "", 
		"links": [
		  {"href": "", "rel": "home", "prompt": "Home API"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "graphs", "prompt": "Home Graph"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "register", "prompt": "User Register"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "login", "prompt": "User Login"}

Anonymous user list all Graphs

GET /graphs

	  "collection": {
		"version": "1.0", 
		"href": "", 
		"links": [
		  {"href": "", "rel": "home", "prompt": "Home API"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "register", "prompt": "User Register"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "login", "prompt": "User Login"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "first", "prompt": "Page 1 of 5"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "next", "prompt": "Page 2 of 5"}, 
		  {"href": "", "rel": "last", "prompt": "Page 5 of 5"}
		"items": [
			"href": "", 
			"data": [
			  {"name": "description", "prompt": "Description", "value": "tes"}, 
			  {"name": "content", "prompt": "Graph", "value": "digraph revolution { B [label=\"The boss\"]  ; E [label=\"The employee\"]; B ->E [label=\"commands\", dir=back, fontcolor=red];} "}, 
			  {"name": "title", "prompt": "Title", "value": "cool"}
			"links": [
				"href": "", 
				"rel": "Image", 
				"prompt": "Graph", 
				"name": "Title", 
				"render": "image/png"
				"href": "", 
				"rel": "Image", 
				"prompt": "Graph", 
				"name": "Title", 
				"render": "image/jpg"
				"href": "", 
				"rel": "Image", 
				"prompt": "Graph", 
				"name": "Title", 
				"render": "application/pdf"
				"href": "", 
				"rel": "Image", 
				"prompt": "Graph", 
				"name": "Title", 
				"render": "application/gif"

References [1]