Module based jMonkeyEngine Android Simple Gradle Examples.
include ':helloandroidui'
include ':hellofragmentharness'
include ':helloandroidharness'
include ':hellojmesurfaceview'
include ':hellokotlin'
include ':hellolemur'
include ':hellominie'
helloandroidharness | hellofragmentharness | hellojmesrufaceview | helloandroidui | hellokotlin | hellolemur | hellominie |
Tests jme game on an android activity AndroidHarness |
Tests jme game on an android fragment AndroidFragmentHarness |
Tests jme game on a custom android view JmeSurfaceView |
Tests jme game on a surface view with some android ui usages showing best practice | Tests jme game using kotlin android plugin | Tests lemur integration and lemur stylying with a jMonkeyEngine game | Tests minie (bullet physics) with a jMonkeyEngine game |
- Clone the repository.
- Open android studio (any version would be fine) and
Get from version control
- To test on physical device : connect your physical device and use the developer options to enable adb via usb debugging, you can refer to use guide for more on devdloper options :
- To test on an emulator, android launches the selected emulator directly when you run an app module.
- When opening android studio, you will find these modules, select a module and run :
- Congrats ! Now you can play around with android and jMonkeyEngine apis !
- Download the repository on your local disk.
- Navigate to the root directory.
- To start building an example use the following command :
For windows
gradlew :helloandroidharness
For linux/mac
./gradlew :helloandroidharness
- To start dexing and build a debug apk for an example, use the following command :
For windows
gradlew :hellofragmentharness:assemble
For linux/mac
./gradlew :hellofragmentharness:assemble
- To run directly on connected devices :
For windows
gradlew :hellofragmentharness:installDebug
For linux/mac
./gradlew :hellofragmentharness:installDebug
- To dex a signed apk for google play, check this tutorial :
SimpleApplication |
Rendering Component |
Android Activity |
AppStates and Controls |
Initializes and updates a jme game | Renders a SimpleApplication using a surface view (gl component) and passes it to android activity |
The entry point and life cycle manager of android application, it holds the surface view | Game logic is distributed among these components and can be registered inside SimpleApplication class to be updated inside game loop |