This document provides a detailed explanation of a Python script designed to efficiently fetch data from multiple target servers using both asynchronous programming (via asyncio
and aiohttp
) and multithreading (ThreadPoolExecutor
). The system aims to optimize performance in low-resource environments, such as SaaS platforms, bastion hosts, or edge devices, where resources are constrained but high efficiency is still required.
The script fetches Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) data from multiple servers asynchronously. It uses both asynchronous programming to handle high I/O-bound operations (HTTP requests) and a thread pool for parallelism across multiple target servers. It fetches ESL data and processes it concurrently while managing progress via a visual progress bar.
The combination of asynchronous logic and a multithreaded thread pool enables the script to perform multiple HTTP requests concurrently while efficiently utilizing the system's resources.
- aiohttp: Provides an asynchronous HTTP client to handle HTTP requests without blocking the main event loop.
- asyncio: Handles asynchronous operations, allowing for non-blocking execution of tasks.
- ThreadPoolExecutor: Enables multithreading, allowing the script to spawn threads that run different tasks concurrently.
- tqdm: A progress bar library that tracks and visualizes the progress of async operations.
The core of the script revolves around making asynchronous HTTP requests using aiohttp
in an asyncio
event loop. This allows multiple requests to be processed in a non-blocking fashion, ideal for I/O-bound operations such as fetching data from APIs.
The function fetch_store_data
is responsible for asynchronously retrieving data from each store:
async def fetch_store_data(session, eslworking, store, index, semaphore):
async with semaphore:
url = f'http://{eslworking}/api3/{store}/esls/page/{index}'
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await response.json()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error fetching {url}: {e}")
return None
- Semaphore: A semaphore is used to limit the number of concurrent requests, preventing the system from being overwhelmed by too many simultaneous operations.
- aiohttp.ClientSession: The asynchronous HTTP client is used to manage requests and responses in an efficient manner.
The function process_store
processes data for a specific store, fetching ESL records in pages. It uses the fetch_store_data
function to make paginated requests, retrieves detailed ESL data, and processes them concurrently.
async def process_store(session, eslworking, store, max_records_per_store, yesterday_str, semaphore, pbar):
# Fetches ESL data and appends results to store_results
store_data = await fetch_store_data(session, eslworking, store['user'], index, semaphore)
The loop in process_store
ensures that all pages of ESL data are fetched for a given store. The script breaks out of the loop once all data has been fetched or the maximum number of records is reached.
The script handles multiple servers concurrently using a ThreadPoolExecutor
. This allows several tasks to run in parallel, with each thread responsible for fetching data from one or more servers.
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
futures = [
executor.submit(loop.run_until_complete, code(eslworking, max_records_per_store, semaphore))
for eslworking in eslworkingLists[start_index:end_index]
for future in as_completed(futures):
result = future.result()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Thread raised an exception: {e}")
- ThreadPoolExecutor: Spawns threads for each target server.
- Concurrency: Each thread runs an event loop (
) that asynchronously fetches data from its assigned server.
A semaphore limits the number of concurrent requests to prevent overwhelming the server. In this script, the semaphore is initialized with a maximum of 4 concurrent requests:
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(max_concurrent_requests)
Additionally, the script uses the tqdm
library to visualize progress:
with tqdm(total=total_esls, desc=f"Processing {eslworking}", unit="esl") as pbar:
The progress bar updates as each ESL data fetch completes, providing real-time feedback on the progress of the data fetching process.
Error handling is integrated into both the asynchronous fetch functions and the thread pool executor to ensure robustness. If an error occurs during a request, the error is caught, logged, and the process continues without crashing.
For example, in the fetch_store_data
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error fetching {url}: {e}")
return None
The same approach is used in the thread pool to catch exceptions raised by individual threads.
After fetching and processing the data, the results are written to CSV files. The function write_to_csv
saves the ESL data to disk, sorted by a specified criterion:
df = pd.DataFrame(list_resultat)
df = df.sort_values(by='frequency', ascending=True)
filename = f'esl_id_part_{file_index + 1}.csv'
df.to_csv(filename, index=False, encoding='utf-8')
This function ensures that data is written in a structured and accessible format.