is an easy-to-use Swift library that provides a deck of views that can be swiped or thrown left/right (inspired by the Tinder app).
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 7.2
Clone this repo and manually add the source files to project.
If you are using CocoaPods just add in your podfile:
pod 'EPDeckView'
or if you want to get the latest release:
pod 'EPDeckView', :git => 'https://github.com/EvansPie/EPDeckView.git'
- Create a new view (from storyboard or programmatically) inheriting
and add it on your view. Conform toEPDeckViewDataSource
as you would with aUITableView
and set the view's delegate & data source.
class ViewController: UIViewController, EPDeckViewDataSource, EPDeckViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var deckView: EPDeckView!
// Array that keeps a reference to our cards.
private var cardViews: [EPCardView] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set the deckView's delegate & data source.
self.deckView.delegate = self
self.deckView.dataSource = self
- Return the number of cards that you wish to add in the deck, as you would do with
func numberOfCardsInDeckView(deckView: EPDeckView) -> Int {
return 6
- Create your cards as you would do with
. Your cards must inheritEPCardView
func deckView(deckView: EPDeckView, cardViewAtIndex index: Int) -> EPCardView {
// Create a TestView to be added as a card in the deck.
let testView: TestView = TestView(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,240,240))
// Keep a reference so you can pass the nib's buttons to the delegate functions.
return testView
That's it! Don't forget to reload your deck (after viewDidLayoutSubviews()
if you are using autolayout).
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
For a detailed guide on how to use the features visit here
Modify the animation of the deck and the card being dragged.
Throw a card left/right.
Monitor the card's movement and the card's button tap.
Bring back the latest card thrown.
Evangelos Pittas, [email protected]
EPDeckView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.