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Android part of the Froody application.
Developed and maintained by Gregor Santner, 2016-
License: GPLv3
- Lets you share (mainly naturally growing) food to others
- The main idea is to share to and help other people by e.g. sharing pears, which would rot anyway if unused
- Intended to use in the local area - zoom in to your location and look for entries
- Everyone can add entries (and delete them), no login needed
- Entries will be available 3 weeks
- Available in English, German, Czech, Spanish and Japanese
How to support the project?
- Share the app and tell other people about it
- Tell things that could be improved
- Submit translations on Crowdin - https://crowdin.com/project/froodyapp
- Supply artwork or vector icons for the different types of entries
- The app requests your location so you can create entries, and to automatically zoom to your location. If you add a new entry your location gets sent to the setted server (default server uses https). Others users can find entries when they swipe to this location. You can delete your entries by tapping the trash icon. Entries will get automatically deleted after 3 weeks.
- The app requests the storage permission for caching the Map-Tiles
Influenced by ideas and snippets from other apps by gsantner (kimai-android, dandelion*, ..) which this app is allowed to use.
Main servers domain fruity-app.at
is sponsored by Robert Diesenreither, the froody-server
is hosted by @gsantner.
Project icon comes from the EmojiOne project, licensed CC-BY 4.0.