#gi-commerce Part of the goincremental suite of modules. This module provides Angular directives and services relating to checkout, cart and payment processing together with corresponding server side API modules.
##Installation instructions
Best served as a component of gi but if you desire to have it a la carte:
- Server side components:
npm install gi-commerce
- Client side components:
bower install gi-commerce
##Release Notes v0.7.7
- added first pass at billing / delivery address support
- fixed issue displaying incorrect total on mobile views
- improvements to discount views
- added client side support on cart for discount codes
- added crud diretive to manage discount codes (no cart support yet).
- added enhanced e-commerce analytics support
- order country dropdowns in addressess alphabetically (with UK and US and current country bumped to the top)
- add support for custom call to action text next to buy buttons
- another fix for tab ordering
- scroll to top after each new checkout stage
- use giFocus directive to fix tab ordering in checkout
- failed build (missing bower.json)
- Use giI18n for State / County / Region text of address forms
- Display detailed error messages if the stripe charge fails
- Capture a phone number for courier when items require shipping.
- Tab ordering now handles situation where there are multiple address forms visible on a page, and also ensures we autofocus on the first form in customer info capture
- Fixes issue with credit card validation where it would eagerly validate invalid numbers (especially visa)
- resolve tab ordering on payment forms
- provide feedback when processing payment
- tidy up mobile cart styling
- added spinner when tax is being calculated
- recalculate tax after vat number entered.
- Pass company info along with charge request to /api/checkout
- Use giUtil regex for email validation during checkout
- Summary directive now displays total quantity of items, not just number of distinct items
- Fixes issue where register user was called too frequently in the checkout process
- Fixes issue where cart was JSON stringified twice in local storage
- added giPaymentThanks directive allowing the application to inject their own thankyou directive.
- To achieve this giCart has become a provider, exposing a setThankyouDirective function which accepts a string which will be used to create an element (so typically you'll use the name of your custom directive that you want injecting on the thankyou page)
- Clear cart after sucessful purchase
- Moved login watcher to checkout so it always fires regardless of where you are in the checkout process.
- Cart is now mobile responsive on xs screens.
- Order Summary now displays correctly on xs and sm screens.
- triggers 'giCart:accountRequired' event on $rootScope with account info details when new account is required. Consuming applications should respond to this event by creating an account.
- added validation for account username as part of checkout processing
- remove
formatting in customer form
- Added validation of passwords and password confirmation
- Changed Styling of customer info capture box to disable company name / vat number fields rather than show / hiding them.
- Added giEcommerceAnalytics service. For now only a viewProductList event is supported, more to follow.
- Styling changes
- Added continue shopping button to first page of checkout
- Fixes an issue where quaderno environment variables not loaded in time.
- Broadcasts giCart:paymentFailed event when payment fails
- Fixes country dropdown not populated on address form
- Broadcast event from $rootScope on sucessful purchase completion
- Provide asset ids in charge request sent to server side checkout
- Added tax Name to metadata sent to stripe for quaderno invoicing
- Added stripe token generation from our form, no dependency on stripe's checkout.js
- Added tax calculations in cart overview page
- Added context to checkout 'Next' button allowing checkout stages to declare themselves valid, and stop progression if not valid.
- Added gi-cc-exp directive to validate credit card expiry date
- Added support for pricing by market
- Added needsShipping() method to giCart Service (uses the 'physical' boolean property of the item added to carts)
- Added cart now Calculates price based on Price List entry for item
- Added giPaymentInfo directive - a validated credit card entry form
- Added giCcCvc directive to validate credic card cvc numbers
- Added giCcNum directive to validate credit card numbers (luhn etc, uses giCardType)
- Added giCard service which uses giCardType and gives validation functions etc
- Added giCardType service supporting Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Diners Club, Discover, JCB and Union Pay card type regexes
- Added giCustomerInfo directive to capture customer info and address details
- Added giCustomerForm directive to capture customer name, email and company details
- Added giAddressFormField directive (needs to be nested in a parent form)
- Added acl to countries, currencies and price list models to enable public-read
- Added Price List service and form. Allows you to specify a multi currency price list for use later against a product.
Much of the Card validation logic was derived from bendrucker/creditcards
and the validation directives from bendrucker/angular-credit-cards
Both of which are licensed under MIT