Small library with HTTP common components like HttpStatus, MediaType, URIBuilder, etc.
Have no dependencies.
Java 17+ support.
implementation "io.goodforgod:http-common:1.0.0"
Library provides HttpStatus with code and reasons, all mostly used HttpStatus are present there for easier use.
HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.ACCEPTED;
int code = status.code();
String reason = status.reason();
HttpStatus statusAccepted = HttpStatus.valueOf(201);
Describes HttpMethod common methods of HTTP protocol.
final HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.of("get");
assertEquarls(HttpMethod.GET, method);
Library provides MediaType class for correctly parsing and interpreting MediaType / ContentTypes.
There are plenty of widely used and preconfigured MediaTypes.
MediaType jsonMediaTypeUtf8 = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF_8_TYPE;
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.of("application/json");
Optional<MediaType> jsonMediaType = MediaType.ofExtension("json");
Library provide URIBuilder for easier and safer way of building URI.
.param("module", "block")
.param("action", "getblockreward")
Describes HTTP headers and can be instantiated via different builders available.
final Map<String, List<String>> headerMap = new HashMap<>();
headerMap.put(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, List.of("keep-alive"));
headerMap.put(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, List.of("72"));
headerMap.put(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, List.of("application/json"));
final HttpHeaders headers = HttpHeaders.ofMultiMap(headerMap);
final Optional<Long> contentLength = headers.contentLength();
final Optional<MediaType> mediaType = headers.contentType();
Exception that allow to format messages like SLF4J logger and other similar.
throw new FormattedException("Failed for {} with code {}", "Bob", 200);
Resulted exception message:
Failed for Bob with code 200
This project licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details