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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 5, 2020. It is now read-only.

No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug impact: major
bug impact: major
bug impact: minor
bug impact: minor
bug impact: RED ALERT
bug impact: RED ALERT
bug urgency: EMERGENCY
bug urgency: EMERGENCY
bug urgency: non-urgent
bug urgency: non-urgent
bug urgency: urgent
bug urgency: urgent
effort: large
effort: large
effort: medium
effort: medium
effort: small
effort: small
skill: backend
skill: backend
skill: communications
skill: communications
skill: frontend
skill: frontend
skill: graphics
skill: graphics
skill: sysadmin
skill: sysadmin
type: bug report
type: bug report
when: soon
when: soon