💪 I'm passionate about application development and do not discriminate on platform:
mobile / web / desktop / ... -
🌱 Currently specializing myself in:
- Java
- Kotlin
- Spring
- Vanilla JS / Typescript
- Angular
- Other interests
- React
- Vue
- Python
- Bash / PowerShell
- Other languages & tools I use:
- 👯 Always looking to collaborate with other developers
- 🥅 2022 Goals:
- Look for more people to collaborate with & contribute to open source projects more often
- Expand my skillset with new technologies / frameworks / libraries / ...
- Document and teach others what I've learned
- ⚡ More about me: I love to draw ✏️, make delicious food 🍴, read 📕 and be around water ( swimming 🏊 / sailing ⛵ / ... )
- Toolbox - An example in Angular front-end & Spring back-end project best practices (WIP).
- Chrome Extension
- Small examples on my StackBlitz Account to explain some concepts to people on StackOverflow
- Hospital VOIP Solutions (NUCLeUS): a Java Spring - Angular stack (Private Repo)
- Driving School Management Software (PointHR): a Java Spring - Vue stack (Private Repo)
- TodoList Application: a Java Spring - Angular stack (Private Repo)
- ContactManagerBackend
- Chess Clock for Android in Kotlin with UI testing
- On screen RNG with JavaFX for streamers and giveaways
- Pet store webshop with Spring boot connected to SQL database
- Spring boot web service tracking corona data from a CSV
- Android app showing comic art locations on a Google map in Java
- Snake in Java
- Space Invaders in Python
- My profile page
- The User Experience Team of One - Leah Buley
- Java coding problems - L. Anghel
- Effective Java - J. Bloch
- OCP Study Guide - J. Boyarsky, S. Selikoff (EXAM 1Z0-815, 1Z0-816 & 1Z0-817)
- Spring 5.0 Cookbook - S. John C. Tragura
- Java Design Patterns - Vaskaran Sarcar
- Pro Spring 5 - L. Cosmina, R. Harrop, C. Schaefer, C. Ho
- Spring Boot in Action - C. Walls
- Thinking in Java - B. Eckel
- Domain Driven Design - E. Evans
- Clean Code - R.C. Martin
- Agile Project Management for dummies - Mark C. Layton, Steven J. Ostermiller
- Scrum for dummies - M. C. Layton, D. Morrow
- Beginning programming with C++ for dummies - S. R. Davis
- Learning Angular 3d ed. - A. Bampakos , P. Deeleman
- 📝 Minor update to documentation #639 in chromaui/learnstorybook.com
- 💪 Fixed 3 bugs #27 in Mrjsaw/ChessClock
- 💪 Fixed the 'Translation Editor' that didn't work because of faulty file structure #146 in sylvek/itracing2
- 📝 Creating and sharing documentation on different subjects:
- Aggregating Notes in Obsidian: SecondBrain
- Best Practices: BestPractices
- Java Certification: CertificationPractice
- Java Design Patterns: DesignPatterns
- Docker & Kubernetes: DockerAndKubernetes
- Windows Terminal & Powershell: WindowsTerminalAndPowershell
- Linux Terminal & Bash: LinuxTerminalAndBash
- 🎓 Created a lot of repositories to learn about different subjects:
- Spring Boot: MoreSpringCourses
- CSS: EarlyStylingProjects
- Various Libraries/Technologies: ExploringSomeTechnologies
- Angular: EarlyAngularProjects
- React: EarlyReactProjects
- Vue: EarlyVueProjects
- GWT: EarlyGwtProjects
- Spring Web: SpringMVC, SpringServletStackXml & SpringServletStackCode
- Spring security, Angular front-end & more: SpringCourses
- OOP: CardDeck
- Jupyter Lab & Notebooks: ExploringJupyterLab
- Vanilla Javascript: JSProjects
- PyGame: SpaceInvaders
- Java I/O: AutomatedPitchMailer
- ...
- 🌐 Created some example web application hosted on Heroku (only available first half of the month):