- provides HFP data from the past in a compact format for further use;
- analyzes the expected vs. actual quality of HFP data with various metrics.
The API is under early development and currently not public.
Presented here roughly in priority order. See further descriptions from the links.
Feature | Status |
Normalized HFP data | 🟡 Implemented in DB, not available from the API |
Stop correspondence analysis | 🟢 Implemented |
Vehicle analysis | 🔴 Planned |
Journey availability analysis | 🔴 Planned |
Raw data availability | 🔴 Planned |
Geographical area analysis | 🔴 Planned |
Journey route validity analysis | 🔴 Planned |
Preferred OS: Linux, haven't tried with Windows or Mac yet.
Required tools: docker, docker-compose and Python 3.10+, Pip3, Postgresql.
creates the required files for local development.
builds api, importer and DB service docker images and runs them.
After running those scripts, you need to fill in some secret values into .env
Values to these can be found from Azure Portal -> hfp-analytics-dev rg -> hfp-analytics-importer -> configuration
Install Python libraries globally on your machine with
cd python
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Make tables as timescale DB tables with:
SELECT create_hypertable('hfp.hfp_point', 'point_timestamp', chunk_time_interval => INTERVAL '1 day');
More information can be found from docs/timescaledb.md
You can get an API key from Azure's key vault: Azure Portal -> hfp-analytics-[environment] -> hfp-analytics-[environment]-vault -> Secrets -> host--masterKey--master. See API docs from <API url>/docs?code=<API key>
. That app url can be found from api
Function App's overview page.
To import data from Digitransit, go to http://localhost:7071/run_import
Check that test data exists http://localhost:7071/jore_stops
Import HFP data (from yesterday) with running
Check logs from importer
to see when the import finishes.
PGPASSWORD=postgres PGOPTIONS=--search_path=public,api,hfp,stopcorr psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d analytics -U postgres
PGPASSWORD=<db_password> PGOPTIONS=--search_path=public,api,hfp,stopcorr psql -h <db_host> -p 5432 -d analytics -U <db_username>
Get the required secrets from Azure portal.
The API is hosted in Azure Functions, and the database in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
You can deploy e.g. unmerged PR to run in dev manually for testing. Currently manual deploying is supported for dev environment only.
cd scripts/manual_deploy/
After this, restart api
and importer
functions from Azure portal as Azure's continuous deployment is slow to pull new versions for image's at least for now.
Open hfp-analytic's Azure Pipelines page, click 3 dots from some environments a pipeline, select run pipeline. After pipeline has been run, you can manually restart Azure Function Apps to ensure that they start running with the latest image.
To make for example dev db schema the same as local db schema, cd into scripts/migra_dev
and run:
python3 migra_local_vs_dev init
Open the generated .sql file and inspect the changes to be applied. If everything is OK, you can apply changes with:
python3 migra_local_vs_dev apply
Note: you may want to comment out SQL related to timescaledb / postgis updates.
Fucntion can be started with python script scripts/trigger_function.py
You can specify the environment and / or the function to be triggered. The function is required, the env is local by default.
Trigger analyzer locally
python3 scripts/trigger_function.py analyzer
Trigger importer on dev
python3 scripts/trigger_function.py --env dev importer
Show help
python3 scripts/trigger_function.py -h
In order to trigger functions on Azure, you'll have to get a master API key from Azure Portal -> hfp-importer -> App keys -> _master
Two ways to inspect logs:
- SSH into local / dev / test / prod db, query logs from either
tables. - From Azure Portal select a function app and open logstream view.
The tool is being developed by the HSL InfoDevOps team.