My personal dotfiles. Based on my personal tweaks of the Nord Color Scheme
Windows Manager | AwesomeWM |
Wallpaper | wallpaper |
GTK Theme | Adapta FrostBlue4 Nokto Eta |
Icon Theme | Papirus Icon Theme |
Folder Theme | Papirus Nord Polar Night 3 |
Cursor Theme | Custom Built Simp1e |
System Font | Terminus TTF |
Application Launcher | Rofi |
Power Menu | Rofi Power Menu |
Compositor | Picom |
File Manager | Nemo |
Text Editor | Neovim with Neovide |
Terminal Emulator | Terminator |
Shell | Fish |
Terminal Font | Ubuntu Mono |
Terminal Colors | Nord Color Scheme |
Complete list of applications can be found in .scripts/pkg.list
This install script is meant to be run right after the first boot into the
desktop of a clean arch install with the archinstall script set to desktop : awesome
this install script replaces the sudo
command with opendoas
and sets it to
either persist* or nopass (check opendoas manpage for more info) for the
wheel usergroup
wget -q && chmod +x && ./ && rm -f ~/.bash_history && rm -f .wget-hsts && killall Xorg
This install script was validated to work on f584352
After commit 2baca85, the dotfiles should auto update on login. Restarting awesome also triggers the auto update process.
[!INFO] If this behaviour is undesidered, either fork the repository or dettach your local copy from remote (by deleting