The purpose of the program is to analyse the analysis windows as well as the frequency bands of a spectrogram to plot points that follow the dispersive echos given by tapping a slinky spring.
As input the program takes in a text file containing all of the data for the spectrogram of the audio file, the starting point for the first 2 echoes of the dispersive signal, as well as an image to overlay the points on.
The text file is created from the exporting a spectrogram object as a short text file in a audio analysis program named "Praat" developed by Paul Boersma and David Weenink from Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam.
Praat Website:
Praat Source Code:
The program then overlays the points plotted on the input image, then displays it to the user on the GUI. The points of the 2 echos can each be outputted to a comma-separated file, with x being the position of the point in time(s) and the frequency(Hz).
This program can be unreliable when given data containing lots of noise, as the method for following a dispersive echo consists of finding the analysis window with the highest amplitude for a given frequency band.
Due to this, this solution was abandoned in favour of a more efficient method of visually fitting hyperbolas on the dispersive signal.