- Latitude and Longitude Inputs
- Make GPS button replace Latitude and Longitude input values with its new coords
- Send data to app.vue
- Hourly parameters
- Daily parameters
- Style
- Send data to app.vue
- Formatting selects
- Current weather switch
- Retrieve string data to App.vue
- Prepare request string
- Make the request (using axios)
- Add map
- Change coordinates on-map click
- Add map marker on clicked spot
- Change map marker depending on the weather data
- Show current weather popup on click)
- Get data from request
- Format request data for the chart API
- Generate Chart
- Update Chart Data
- Add switch for hourly / daily parameters
- Add units labeling
- Make chart Scrollable
- Personalize chart colors
- Show all selected data on hover (Chart.js Tooltip)
- Normalize date on X axis timestamps
- Normalize datasets' values on Y axis
Refine, Debug & Comment code for easier understanding
Check Open Meteo to see what's the intended goal of this Iteration.