This package gives the possibility to define batch actions on elements displayed in a eea.facetednavigation dashboard
This will display BrowserViews registered for collective.eeafaceted.batchactions.interfaces.IBatchActionsMarker or an interface subclassing it at the bottom of a eea.facetednavigation dashboard.
Using a collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable CheckBoxColumn, you will be able to select elements to tigger the batch action on.
Batch actions are overridable from a faceted navigation container to another if necessary.
To install collective.eeafaceted.batchactions you simply add collective.eeafaceted.batchactions
to the list of eggs in your buildout, run buildout and restart Plone.
Then, install collective.eeafaceted.batchactions using the Add-ons control panel.