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Transformative Change Assessment - Ch 3 - Clusters

DOI Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

This repository is part of an ongoing IPBES project.

The authors do not take any responsibility for it's copntent or the correct working of the code. If scripts in here wipe your data, you are on your own.

Nevertheless, please feel free to browse the code and re-use it at your own risk.

Once finalised, the final repo will be published on Zenodo



  • data: data files created during the running of the snowball.qmd file and contains cached as well as final data files.
  • figures: figures created during the running of the snowball.qmd file in low-res as well as high-res.
  • input: input files for the snowball.qmd file
  • inut/key_papers: Key papers for the snowball pilot and a .csv file with one column containing the dois


  • Kepypaper were imported into Zotero and the csv and bib files were exported
  • snowball.qmd report file was created and the R scripts added
  • snowball.html report created and data files and figures created
  • overlap of the citation networks of each cluster were generated
  • map of clusters as nodes and links between clusters generated
