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Releases: IPS-LMU/emuR

emuR 2.4.0

26 May 08:53
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • cache for onTheFly computations in get_trackData() (thanks to @samgregory via #254)
  • improved a small number of error messages

bug fixes

  • add_files not correctly matching file extension (thanks to @samgregory via #254)
  • fixed level attribute mixup in generation of seglist (closes #263)
  • workaround for wrassp::readDataObj() crashing R session. Temporary fix for issue #261.
  • generic functions Math2/round and Math2/signif did not accept digits parameter for legacy trackdata objects
  • adaptations to Tidyverse 2.0.0 and other adapations to make unit tests and cran checks smooth again

emuR 2.3.0

11 Jun 14:46
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • added explicit checks for all dir.create() (closes #49)
  • checking dir parameter in import_mediaFiles() (closes #108)
  • add_files() now works with strings like _annot.json as fileExtension (closes #246)
  • now prechecking user defined options in .onLoad() (closes #240)
  • added new sessionPattern and bundlePattern args to list_bundles() and list_sessions() (closes #201)
  • better output for warning in get_trackdata() regarding heterogeneous sampling rates (closes #189)
  • using cli package to improve output of summary(emuDBhandle)
  • slight performance increase in EQL by avoiding full table scans due to REGEXP
  • checking for repeating sequences in normalize_length() (closes #211)
  • added explicit error message when bad column name is used in DBconfig (closes #212)
  • removing linkDefinition on error if it was added be4 (closes #226)

bug fixes

  • fixed bug in requery workflows like: sl = query(ae, "[Phonetic== V]"); requery_hier(ae, sl[1:2,], level = "Text")
  • added missing loading of DBconfig to write_bundleList() (fixes #248)
  • fixed bad handeling of dir paths containgin RegExp chars in convert_TextGridCollection() (fixes #207)

emuR 2.2.0

30 Mar 14:34
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • compete rewrite of hierarchical queries + requeries (now using CTEs) + clean-up of the EQL engine
  • serve() -> save bundle performance bump due to SQLite transaction improvement + using prep. statements
  • serve() function now downloads current release .zip instead of cloning repo to save time and bandwidth
  • fixed a few more readr:: file vs path parameter warnings
  • using readr::write_lines() function in export_TextGridCollection() to better support UTF-8 symbols
  • added create_spectrogram_image_as_raster function that used the EMU-webApp
    JavaScript code to draw a spectrogram as a raster

bug fixes

  • fixed invalid TextGrid export on empty levels

emuR 2.1.1

30 Sep 14:34
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • load_emuDB() performance bump due to SQLite transaction improvement + using prep. statements
  • create_itemsInLevel() now supports items of type SEGMENT
  • added deprecated/not recommended texts to \code{eplot()}, \code{dplot()} and \code{dur()} help pages (fixes #234)

bug fixes

  • implemented first version of delete_itemsInLevel()
  • requery_seq() now returns correct attribute label vs. the level attribute
  • fixed In rbind(names(params), unlist(params, recursive = F)): number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1) warning in runBASwebservice_maus() with httr::upload_file()
  • added missing () to return statement
  • no emuDBcache needed for rename_emuDB()

emuR 2.1.0

15 Jun 18:21
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • implemented write_bundleList() and read_bundleList() functions
  • new bundleListName serve() parameter implemented
  • added warning to serve() when either bundleComments or bundleFinishedEditing is set to true and no bundleListName was set (closes #268)
  • implemented onTheFlyFunction parameter for get_trackdata() which allows users to implement their own functions (input: path to wav file; output tibble/data.frame that has a column called "frame_time")
  • converting factors into characters in get_trackdata() and normalize_length() (closes #224 and #223)
  • add_perspective() now sets "restrictions" -> "showPerspectivesSidebar" to true to make the side bar visible
  • normalize_length() now doesn't throw tibble 3.0.0 warnings any more
  • query() RegEx operators =~ now using SQLites native support (wasn't available in earlier versions)
  • replaced RCurl with httr dep
  • moved some dependencies to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION file
  • removed vignette stubs

bug fixes

  • try catching rounding errors of sample rate and start time in get_trackdata()

emuR 2.0.4

07 Nov 11:02
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • export_seglistToTxtCollection() now zero pads file names (should fix #219)

bug fixes

  • using rstudioapi::translateLocalUrl() for ws connection url to permit RStudio to connect
  • fixed bug in duplicate levels (bad level name insert into items table) that was causing the items array in the JSON file to stay empty
  • serve() working outside of RStudio again (overlooked that rstudioapi::translateLocalUrl() needs RStudio)
  • improved error formatting in load_emuDB() and export_TextGridCollection
  • fixed rename_bundles() issue with sub-string matching of names (fixes #220)
  • requery_hier() works with non-main attributes again (always returned levels main attribute labels)

emuR 2.0.3

04 Sep 14:41
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

bug fixes

  • fixed options(emuR.emuWebApp.dir = file.path(tempdir(), "EMU-webApp")) setting

emuR 2.0.2

31 Jul 04:35
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • changed default resultTypes to "tibble" (query(), requery_hier(), requery_seq(), get_trackdata())
  • changed url in printed output of serve to https
  • serve() doesn't block the R console any more
  • suppressing requery differing length warnings in runBASwebservice_* functions
  • requery_hier() now persists the input segment list length by inserting NA rows for missing segments
  • depricated vignettes are now stubs only (== empty containing notice pointing to the EMU-SDMS manual)
  • implemented rename_bundles() function
  • better times_norm calculation for normalize_length()
  • better error message when empty or non existing session is passed into add_files()
  • serve() useViewer parameter now implemented and the default. If a ver
  • serve() now uses a single server to host the EMU-webApp and provide the websocket server for the emuDB
  • serve() now works within RStudio when it is run as a web application

bug fixes

emuR 1.1.2

29 Jan 16:40
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

  • rewrite of list_files() that leads to massive speed bump
  • implemented convert_wideToLong() function to convert trackdata tibble objects to their long form representation (useful for spectral analysis)
  • query() sub-function now sets perl = TRUE arguments in regexp call when using sessionPattern and bundlePattern (useful for e.g. for negative look-around bundlePattern = "^((?!msajc003).)*$")
  • implemented export_seglistToTxtCollection()
  • normalize length now also using list() with, res_list)
  • implemted new runMINNI boolean parameter in runBASwebservice_all()

bug fixes

  • https default on serve()
  • fixed problems of calcFreqs = T in convert_wideToLong() (possibly caused by newer version of dplyr?)

emuR 1.1.1

13 Nov 16:02
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new features / performance tweaks / improvements

bug fixes

  • fixed bad column init. in normalize_length() column
  • removed detritus LaTex files (e.g. .log, .aux) from vignette/pics directory (as requested by CRAN maintainer)