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This project adds utility classes which enhance the django-rest-framework project (

This project was tested under Python 2.7 and 3.5.


a. Add infi.django_rest_utils to the INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file:


b. Run database migrations.

c. Use the utility classes in the REST_FRAMEWORK settings dictionary:

    'ORDERING_PARAM': 'sort',
    'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'infi.django_rest_utils.pagination.InfinidatPaginationSerializer',
    'PAGE_SIZE': 50,
    'PAGINATE_BY_PARAM': 'page_size',
    'MAX_PAGINATE_BY': 1000,

See below for the various classes and features provided by this library. Note that you don't have to use all of them - pick the ones that are relevant to your project.



Extends the default JSONRenderer to format the output in the style favored by INFINIDAT. The response always contains a JSON object with 3 fields:

  • result - the response data itself, or null in case of error.
  • metadata - additional information about the response, for example pagination parameters.
  • error - null in case of success, otherwise information about the error.

Also allows plucking (selecting) specific fields of every result (e.g timestamp or parsed_data.system_info.host_count). Field plucked can be tested against non-plucked json api responses from a file by using the 'rest_utils'

bin/rest_utils pluck api_response.json timestamp system_serial parsed_data.system_info

To use this renderer, add infi.django_rest_utils.renderers.InfinidatJSONRenderer to the DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES list in the settings and remove rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer.



Implements queryset filtering, with support for several comparison operators: eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge, in, out, like, and between. For example:[Developer,Tester][2015-01-01,2015-01-31]

To determine which fields are available for filtering, the class checks whether the serializer implements a get_filterable_fields method. This method should return a list of FilterableField instances. In case the serializer does not provide such a method, the filterable fields are deduced automatically from the serializer fields.

To use this filter, add infi.django_rest_utils.filters.InfinidatFilter to the DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS list in the settings.


This type of filter uses the same FilterableField definitions that InfinidatFilter uses, but searches all string and integer fields for a match (exact match in case of integers, and substring match in case of strings). For example if the search term is yellow sun, the filter will return all objects that have both yellow and sun in any of their filterable fields. If the search term is quoted ("yellow sun"), it will be searched without splitting it into words.

The search term should appear in the URL in a query parameter named q. It can be used in conjuction with InfinidatFilter or separately.


A subclass of the default OrderingFilter which supports advanced ordering. This is done by checking if the serializer has a get_ordering_fields method, which is expected to return a list of OrderingField instances. An OrderingField can be used to encapsulate ordering by more than one model field, for example:

    OrderingField('name', source=('last_name', 'first_name'))

It can also define ordering by related fields (requires Django 1.8 or later):

    OrderingField('department', source='department__name')

Unlike the default OrderingFilter, this implementation does not ignore invalid field names. Trying to sort the results using an unidentified field name results in an error response.

To use this filter, add infi.django_rest_utils.filters.OrderingFilter to the DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS list in the settings and remove rest_framework.filters.OrderingFilter.



Extends the PageNumberPagination class to include more information in the response metadata:

  • number_of_objects - total number of items in the list
  • pages_total - total number of pages
  • page_size - number of items in each page
  • page - current page number
  • next - URL of the next page, or null if this is the last page
  • previous - URL of the previous page, or null if this is the first page

To use, set DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS to infi.django_rest_utils.pagination.InfinidatPaginationSerializer in your settings file.


Extends the InfinidatPaginationSerializer class to return estimated object count for large datasets where counting has a performance penalty.

  • number_of_objects - total number of items in the list
  • limited_number_of_objects - true if the object count is limited (meaning there are more pages)
  • approximated_number_of_objects - true if the object count is approximated
  • pages_total - total number of pages
  • page_size - number of items in each page
  • page - current page number
  • next - URL of the next page, or null if this is the last page
  • previous - URL of the previous page, or null if this is the first page

To use, set DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS to infi.django_rest_utils.pagination.InfinidatLargeSetPaginationSerializer in your settings file.



This class can be used to enhance the browsable API with dynamic auto-generated documentation. The documentation is composed from:

  • The view's docstring
  • Information about authentication, taken from authentication classes that implement get_authenticator_description(self, view, html)
  • Information about supported output formats, taken from renderers that implement get_renderer_description(self, view, html)
  • Information about filtering and ordering, taken from filters that implement get_filter_description(self, view, html)
  • Information about pagination, when the pagination class implements get_paginator_description(self, view, html)

All relevant classes provided by infi.django_rest_utils implement these methods, meaning that detailed documentation is automatically generated when they are used with views that extend ViewDescriptionMixin.

To use this mixin, add it as the first parent class of your views and viewsets. For example:

from rest_framework import viewsets
from infi.django_rest_utils.views import ViewDescriptionMixin

class EmployeeViewSet(ViewDescriptionMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    serializer_class = ...
    queryset = ...


This mixin limits the time each database query is allowed to run (when generating a list of objects). In case of a timeout, HTTP 400 is returned along with an error message which can be specified by the view class.

Note: only PostgreSQL is supported.

from rest_framework import viewsets
from infi.django_rest_utils.views import QueryTimeLimitMixin

class BigDataViewSet(QueryTimeLimitMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    time_limit = 15 * 1000 # milliseconds
    timeout_message = 'Database query took too long and was cancelled. Try limiting the query time range.'
    serializer_class = ...
    queryset = ...


A view mixin that enables streaming of object lists. This is more efficient than pagination because the server does not generate the whole response before sending it to the client, so memory consumption remains low even when the response is very large.

To get a streaming response instead of a paginated response, the client needs to add stream=true to the URL query parameters.

To use this mixin, add it as the first parent class of your views and viewsets. For example:

from rest_framework import viewsets
from infi.django_rest_utils.views import StreamingMixin, ViewDescriptionMixin

class EmployeeViewSet(StreamingMixin, ViewDescriptionMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    serializer_class = ...
    queryset = ...



A simple authentication scheme where each user gets a random 12-character API token, and needs to present this token in API requests via the X-API-Token header. The REST API token is openly displayed to each logged-in user whenever he/she is browsing the main page of the the api app, /api/rest/.

To get the API token assigned to the logged-in user, you can expose user_token_view in your file:

from infi.django_rest_utils.views import user_token_view

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^user_token/$', user_token_view, name='user_token'),


A simple authentication scheme where each user gets a random 12-character API token, and needs to present this token in API requests via the X-API-Token header. The REST API token isn't openly displayed to each logged-in user whenever he/she is browsing the main page of the the api app, /api/rest/. Instead, that page offers the user an option to click a link, that will post a request to inventory, asking to send him/her is/her own REST API token by email. The email recorded in the users database table is used for this purpose.

In order to use this authenticator class, the following changes must be made in relation with what is done when APITokenAuthentication is used:

a. Run database migrations.

b. In the settings dictionary:



First, to get the API token assigned to the logged-in user, you can expose user_token_view in your file:

from infi.django_rest_utils.views import user_token_view

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^user_token/$', user_token_view, name='user_token'),

In addition, you must add api_token view to enable sending token with email. So your final will contain something like this:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^user_token/$', user_token_view, name='user_token'),
    url(r'^rest/api_token/', include('infi.django_rest_utils.urls')),

Note: if you are using CORS headers to allow cross-domain access to your API, be sure to include X-API-Token in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header, otherwise it will not be passed to your server. For example for the django-cors-headers library, add this to your settings:




This is a subclass of rest_framework.routers.DefaultRouter that provides a richer API root view. The view includes information about authentication as well as a table of contents. Additionally, a name and a description can be provided for the root view:

from infi.django_rest_utils.routers import DefaultRouter

router = DefaultRouter(name='Sample API', description='This is a sample API.')

Developing and Packaging

After cloning the repository, run the following commands:

easy_install -U infi.projector
projector devenv build --use-isolated-python

Run projector to see list of available commands.

Running Tests



No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 4
