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Lusin (math-comp#966)
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* lusin for simple functions

* main lusin theorem done

* full version of lusin

* linting

* changelog

* fixing build somehow

* fixing build

* prove measureU2 using content property

* nitpicking

* minor generalization


Co-authored-by: Reynald Affeldt <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
2 people authored and IshiguroYoshihiro committed Sep 7, 2023
1 parent d5e62e8 commit 7602d7d
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Showing 4 changed files with 176 additions and 17 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
+ lemmas `set_predC`, `preimage_true`, `preimage_false`
- in `lebesgue_measure.v`:
+ lemmas `measurable_fun_ltr`, `measurable_minr`
- in file `lebesgue_integral.v`,
+ new lemmas `lusin_simple`, and `measurable_almost_continuous`.
- in file `measure.v`,
+ new lemmas `finite_card_sum`, and `measureU2`.

- in `topology.v`:
+ lemma `bigsetU_compact`

- in `exp.v`:
+ notation `` e `^?(r +? s) ``
Expand Down
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions theories/lebesgue_integral.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1483,6 +1483,7 @@ Qed.

End approximation.

Section semi_linearity0.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1617,6 +1618,128 @@ Qed.

End approximation_sfun.

Section lusin.
Hint Extern 0 (hausdorff_space _) => (exact: Rhausdorff ) : core.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context (rT : realType) (A : set rT).
Let mu := [the measure _ _ of @lebesgue_measure rT].
Let R := [the measurableType _ of measurableTypeR rT].
Hypothesis mA : measurable A.
Hypothesis finA : mu A < +oo.

Let lusin_simple (f : {sfun R >-> rT}) (eps : rT) : (0 < eps)%R ->
exists K, [/\ compact K, K `<=` A, mu (A `\` K) < eps%:E &
{within K, continuous f}].
move: eps=> _/posnumP[eps]; have [N /card_fset_set rfN] := @fimfunP _ _ f.
pose Af x : set R := A `&` f @^-1` [set x].
have mAf x : measurable (Af x) by exact: measurableI.
have finAf x : mu (Af x) < +oo.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ finA)// le_measure// ?inE//; exact: subIsetl.
have eNpos : (0 < eps%:num/N.+1%:R)%R by [].
have dK' x := lebesgue_regularity_inner (mAf x) (finAf x) eNpos.
pose dK x : set R := projT1 (cid (dK' x)); pose J i : set R := Af i `\` dK i.
have dkP x := projT2 (cid (dK' x)).
have mdK i : measurable (dK i).
by apply: closed_measurable; apply: compact_closed => //; case: (dkP i).
have mJ i : measurable (J i) by apply: measurableD => //; exact: measurableI.
have dKsub z : dK z `<=` f @^-1` [set z].
by case: (dkP z) => _ /subset_trans + _; apply => ? [].
exists (\bigcup_(i in range f) dK i); split.
- by rewrite -bigsetU_fset_set//; apply: bigsetU_compact=>// i _; case: (dkP i).
- by move=> z [y _ dy]; have [_ /(_ _ dy) []] := dkP y.
- have -> : A `\` \bigcup_(i in range f) dK i = \bigcup_(i in range f) J i.
rewrite -bigcupDr /= ?eqEsubset; last by exists (f point), point.
split => z; first by move=> /(_ (f z)) [//| ? ?]; exists (f z).
case => ? [? _ <-] [[zab /= <- nfz]] ? [r _ <-]; split => //.
by move: nfz; apply: contra_not => /[dup] /dKsub ->.
apply: (@le_lt_trans _ _ (\sum_(i \in range f) mu (J i))).
by apply: content_sub_fsum => //; exact: fin_bigcup_measurable.
apply: le_lt_trans.
apply: (@lee_fsum _ _ _ _ (fun=> (eps%:num / N.+1%:R)%:E * 1%:E)) => //.
by move=> i ?; rewrite mule1; apply: ltW; have [_ _] := dkP i.
rewrite /=-ge0_mule_fsumr // -esum_fset // finite_card_sum // -EFinM lte_fin.
by rewrite rfN -mulrA gtr_pmulr // mulrC ltr_pdivr_mulr // mul1r ltr_nat.
- suff : closed (\bigcup_(i in range f) dK i) /\
{within \bigcup_(i in range f) dK i, continuous f} by case.
rewrite -bigsetU_fset_set //.
apply: (@big_ind _ (fun U => closed U /\ {within U, continuous f})).
+ by split; [exact: closed0 | exact: continuous_subspace0].
+ by move=> ? ? [? ?][? ?]; split; [exact: closedU|exact: withinU_continuous].
+ move=> i _; split; first by apply: compact_closed; have [] := dkP i.
apply: (continuous_subspaceW (dKsub i)).
apply: (@subspace_eq_continuous _ _ _ (fun=> i)).
by move=> ? /set_mem ->.
by apply: continuous_subspaceT => ?; exact: cvg_cst.

Let measurable_almost_continuous' (f : R -> R) (eps : rT) :
(0 < eps)%R -> measurable_fun A f -> exists K,
[/\ measurable K, K `<=` A, mu (A `\` K) < eps%:E &
{within K, continuous f}].
move: eps=> _/posnumP[eps] mf; pose f' := EFin \o f.
have mf' : measurable_fun A f' by exact/EFin_measurable_fun.
have [/= g_ gf'] := @approximation_sfun _ R rT _ _ mA mf'.
pose e2n n := (eps%:num / 2) / (2 ^ n.+1)%:R.
have e2npos n : (0 < e2n n)%R by rewrite divr_gt0.
have gK' n := @lusin_simple (g_ n) (e2n n) (e2npos n).
pose gK n := projT1 (cid (gK' n)); have gKP n := projT2 (cid (gK' n)).
pose K := \bigcap_i gK i; have mgK n : measurable (gK n).
by apply: closed_measurable; apply: compact_closed => //; have [] := gKP n.
have mK : measurable K by exact: bigcap_measurable.
have Kab : K `<=` A by move=> z /(_ O I); have [_ + _ _] := gKP O; apply.
have []// := @pointwise_almost_uniform _ rT R mu g_ f K (eps%:num / 2).
- by move=> n; exact: measurable_funTS.
- exact: (measurable_funS _ Kab).
- by rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (mu A))// le_measure// ?inE.
- by move=> z Kz; have /fine_fcvg := gf' z (Kab _ Kz); rewrite -fmap_comp compA.
move=> D [/= mD Deps KDf]; exists (K `\` D); split => //.
- exact: measurableD.
- exact: subset_trans Kab.
- rewrite setDDr; apply: le_lt_trans => /=.
by apply: measureU2 => //; apply: measurableI => //; apply: measurableC.
rewrite [_%:num]splitr EFinD; apply: lee_lt_add => //=; first 2 last.
+ by rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (mu D)) ?le_measure ?inE//; exact: measurableI.
+ rewrite ge0_fin_numE// (@le_lt_trans _ _ (mu A))// le_measure// ?inE//.
exact: measurableD.
rewrite setDE setC_bigcap setI_bigcupr.
apply: (@le_trans _ _(\sum_(k <oo) mu (A `\` gK k))).
apply: measure_sigma_sub_additive => //; [|apply: bigcup_measurable => + _].
by move=> k /=; apply: measurableD => //; apply: mgK.
by move=> k /=; apply: measurableD => //; apply: mgK.
apply: (@le_trans _ _(\sum_(k <oo) (e2n k)%:E)); last exact: epsilon_trick0.
by apply: lee_nneseries => // k _; apply: ltW; have [] := gKP k.
apply: (@uniform_limit_continuous_subspace _ _ _ (g_ @ \oo)) => //.
near_simpl; apply: nearW => // n; apply: (@continuous_subspaceW _ _ _ (gK n)).
by move=> z [+ _]; apply.
by have [] := projT2 (cid (gK' n)).

Lemma measurable_almost_continuous (f : R -> R) (eps : rT) :
(0 < eps)%R -> measurable_fun A f -> exists K,
[/\ compact K, K `<=` A, mu (A `\` K) < eps%:E &
{within K, continuous f}].
move: eps=> _/posnumP[eps] mf; have e2pos : (0 < eps%:num/2)%R by [].
have [K [mK KA ? ?]] := measurable_almost_continuous' e2pos mf.
have Kfin : mu K < +oo by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ finA)// le_measure ?inE.
have [D /= [cD DK KDe]] := lebesgue_regularity_inner mK Kfin e2pos.
exists D; split => //; last exact: (continuous_subspaceW DK).
exact: (subset_trans DK).
have -> : A `\` D = (A `\` K) `|` (K `\` D).
rewrite eqEsubset; split => z.
by case: (pselect (K z)) => // ? [? ?]; [right | left].
case; case=> az nz; split => //; [by move: z nz {az}; apply/subsetC|].
exact: KA.
apply: le_lt_trans.
apply: measureU2; apply: measurableD => //; apply: closed_measurable.
by apply: compact_closed; first exact: Rhausdorff.
by rewrite [_ eps]splitr EFinD lte_add.

End lusin.

Section emeasurable_fun.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Expand Down
58 changes: 41 additions & 17 deletions theories/measure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1731,6 +1731,13 @@ Section dirac_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).

Lemma finite_card_sum (A : set T) : finite_set A ->
\esum_(i in A) 1 = (#|` fset_set A|%:R)%:E :> \bar R.
move=> finA; rewrite esum_fset// (eq_fsbigr (cst 1))//.
by rewrite card_fset_sum1// natr_sum -sumEFin fsbig_finite.

Lemma finite_card_dirac (A : set T) : finite_set A ->
\esum_(i in A) \d_ i A = (#|` fset_set A|%:R)%:E :> \bar R.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2968,8 +2975,8 @@ by apply: le_measure; rewrite ?inE.

Section measureD.
Context d (R : realFieldType) (T : ringOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Context d (T : ringOfSetsType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.

Lemma measureDI A B : measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu A = mu (A `\` B) + mu (A `&` B).
Expand All @@ -2993,24 +3000,41 @@ Qed.

End measureD.

Lemma measureUfinr d (T : ringOfSetsType d) (R : realFieldType) (A B : set T)
(mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}):
measurable A -> measurable B -> (mu B < +oo)%E ->
mu (A `|` B) = (mu A + mu B - mu (A `&` B))%E.
Section measureU2.
Context d (T : ringOfSetsType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.

Lemma measureU2 A B : measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu (A `|` B) <= mu A + mu B.
move=> ? ?; rewrite -bigcup2inE bigcup_mkord.
rewrite (le_trans (@content_sub_additive _ _ _ mu _ (bigcup2 A B) 2%N _ _ _))//.
by move=> -[//|[//|[|]]].
by apply: bigsetU_measurable => -[] [//|[//|[|]]].
by rewrite big_ord_recr/= big_ord_recr/= big_ord0 add0e.

End measureU2.

Section measureU.
Context d (T : ringOfSetsType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.

Lemma measureUfinr A B : measurable A -> measurable B -> mu B < +oo ->
mu (A `|` B) = mu A + mu B - mu (A `&` B).
move=> Am Bm mBfin; rewrite -[B in LHS](setDUK (@subIsetl _ _ A)) setUA.
rewrite [A `|` _]setUidl; last exact: subIsetr.
rewrite measureU//=; do ?by apply:measurableD; do ?apply: measurableI.
rewrite measureD//; do ?exact: measurableI.
by rewrite addeA setIA setIid setIC.
by rewrite setDE setCI setIUr -!setDE setDv set0U setDIK.
rewrite measureU//=; [|rewrite setDIr setDv set0U ?setDIK//..].
- by rewrite measureD// ?setIA ?setIid 1?setIC ?addeA//; exact: measurableI.
- exact: measurableD.

Lemma measureUfinl d (T : ringOfSetsType d) (R : realFieldType) (A B : set T)
(mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}):
measurable A -> measurable B -> (mu A < +oo)%E ->
mu (A `|` B) = (mu A + mu B - mu (A `&` B))%E.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite setUC measureUfinr// setIC [(mu B + _)%E]addeC. Qed.
Lemma measureUfinl A B : measurable A -> measurable B -> mu A < +oo ->
mu (A `|` B) = mu A + mu B - mu (A `&` B).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite setUC measureUfinr// setIC [mu B + _]addeC. Qed.

End measureU.

Lemma eq_measureU d (T : ringOfSetsType d) (R : realFieldType) (A B : set T)
(mu mu' : {measure set T -> \bar R}):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3755,8 +3779,8 @@ have setDE : setD_closed E.
move=> A B BA [mA m1m2A AD] [mB m1m2B BD]; split; first exact: measurableD.
- rewrite measureD//; last first.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ m1oo)//; apply: le_measure => // /[!inE].
rewrite setIidr// m1m2A m1m2B measureD// ?setIidr//.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ m1oo)// -m1m2A; apply: le_measure => // /[!inE].
rewrite setIidr//= m1m2A m1m2B measureD// ?setIidr//.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ m1oo)//= -m1m2A; apply: le_measure => // /[!inE].
- by rewrite setDE; apply: subIset; left.
have ndE : ndseq_closed E.
move=> A ndA EA; split; have mA n : measurable (A n) by have [] := EA n.
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3173,6 +3173,11 @@ have /cptB[x BFx] : F B by apply: filterS FBA; exact: subIsetr.
by exists x; right.

Lemma bigsetU_compact I (F : I -> set X) (s : seq I) (P : pred I) :
(forall i, P i -> compact (F i)) ->
compact (\big[setU/set0]_(i <- s | P i) F i).
Proof. by move=> ?; elim/big_ind : _ =>//; [exact:compact0|exact:compactU]. Qed.

(* The closed condition here is neccessary to make this definition work in a *)
(* non-hausdorff setting. *)
Definition compact_near (F : set (set X)) :=
Expand Down

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