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wip concat_Partition
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IshiguroYoshihiro committed Oct 10, 2023
1 parent 265afd0 commit 944b677
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 41 deletions.
129 changes: 88 additions & 41 deletions theories/BV_decomp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval finmap .
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval finmap.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import functions cardinality fsbigop.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import set_interval.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,9 +65,19 @@ Record isPartition (R : realType) (a b : R) (l : list R) :=

(* can't define HB.structures? *)
Definition Partition (R : realType) (a b : R) := {l | isPartition a b l}.
Definition Partition (R : realType) (a b : R) := {l : seq R| isPartition a b l}.
(* Defining as { l of isPartition a b l} is sigT with unneccesary True, why? *)

Lemma cat_head (T : eqType) (l s : list T) (x : T) :
head x (l ++ s) = head x l.

Lemma cat_last (T : eqType) (l s : list T) (x : T) :
last x (l ++ s) = last x s.

Section partition_properties.

Variable R : realType.
Expand All @@ -78,12 +88,6 @@ Definition Partition_ubound (l : Partition a b) := a.
Definition list_of_Partition (l : Partition a b)
: list R := proj1_sig l.

Lemma head_cons (T : eqType) (x : T) (l : list T) :
forall t, head t (x :: l) = x.
by elim l.

Definition cons_Partition (x : R) (lab : Partition a b) :
(all (ler x) (list_of_Partition lab)) -> Partition x b.
Expand All @@ -93,18 +97,34 @@ split.
by elim l.
move=> ? /=.
exact: llb.

rewrite pairwise_cons.
by rewrite pler allle.

Definition concat_Partition (lab : Partition a b) (lbc : Partition b c)
: Partition a c.
move: lab lbc.
move=> [l [lha llb pltrl]].
move=> [s [shb slb pltrs]].
have t := l ++ s.
move=> [l [lha llb plel]].
move=> [s [shb slb ples]].
pose t := l ++ s.
exists t.
split => //.
split => // [x|x|].
by rewrite cat_head.
by rewrite cat_last.
rewrite pairwise_cat.
rewrite plel ples !andbT.
rewrite /allrel.
apply/allP => x xl /=.
apply/allP => y ys.
apply (@le_trans _ _ b).
move: plel.
rewrite (_:l = rcons (take (size l).-1 l) (last x l)); last first.
rewrite pairwise_rcons.
rewrite llb.
move/andP => [/allP H _].
apply H.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,26 +160,62 @@ Definition cutl_Partition (lab : Partition a b) (x : R) : Partition x b :=

End partition_properties.

Lemma cat_list_Partition (R : realType) (a b c : R) (lab : Partition a b) (lbc : Partition b c) :
list_of_Partition (concat_Partition lab lbc) = (list_of_Partition lab) ++ (list_of_Partition lbc).
move: lab lbc.
move=> [lab plab] [lbc q] /=.
rewrite /list_of_Partition /sval /concat_Partition.

Definition refinement_Partition {R : realType} {a b : R} : rel (Partition a b)
:= fun (p q : Partition a b) =>
subseq (list_of_Partition p) (list_of_Partition q).

Notation "x :: s" := (cons_Partition x s).

Notation "x :: s" := (cons_Partition x s).
Notation "s ++ t" := (concat_Partition s t).
Notation "p `<=` q" := (refinement_Partition p q).

Section variation.

Variable R : realType.
Variables (a b c : R).

Definition variation (f : R -> R) (s : Partition a b) :=
\sum_(i <- (Partition_is_list s)) `| f (next (Partition_is_list s) i) - f i|.
(* TODO: better definition *)
Definition variation (a b : R) (f : R -> R) (s : Partition a b) :=
\sum_(i <- (take (size (list_of_Partition s)).-1 (list_of_Partition s)))
`| f (next (list_of_Partition s) i) - f i|.

Lemma variation_ge0 f (s : Partition a b) :
Lemma variation_ge0 (a b : R) f (s : Partition a b) :
0 <= variation f s. Proof. exact: sumr_ge0. Qed.

Lemma variation_ge f s : `|f b - f a| <= variation f s.
Proof. rewrite /variation big_seq1 /= ifT. Qed.
Lemma variation_mono (a b : R) f (t s : Partition a b) :
t `<=` s -> variation f s <= variation f t.

Lemma variation_ge (a b : R) f (s : Partition a b)
: `|f b - f a| <= variation f s.
move: s => [] s [] shead_a slast_b sler_path.
pose ab := [:: a; b].
have isp_ab: isPartition a b ab.
split => /= [_|_|] //.
rewrite !andbT.
move : (sler_path).
pose abp := ((exist [eta isPartition a b] ab isp_ab) : Partition a b).
rewrite (_:`|f b - f a| = variation f abp) ; last first.
rewrite /variation /= /ab.
by rewrite big_seq1 ifT.
rewrite /variation big_seq1 /= ifT //.

Lemma variation_cons a b f h rs :
variation a b f (h :: rs) = `|f h - f a| + variation h b f rs.
Lemma variation_cons f h rs :
variation f (h :: rs) = `|f h - f a| + variation h b f rs.
rewrite /variation.
rewrite big_cons /=.
Expand All @@ -169,28 +225,19 @@ rewrite !big_seq.
apply: eq_bigr => i.
(* unprovable? *)

Lemma path_trans (T : eqType) (e : rel T) (trans_e : transitive e)
(x x' : T) (s : seq T) : e x x' -> path e x' s ->
forall i : T, i \in s -> e x i.
move=> xx' x's.

elim: s x's => // b l IH /= /andP [xb bl] i.
rewrite in_cons => /orP [/eqP ->|] //.
by apply (trans_e _ _ _ xx').
by apply IH, (path_le trans_e xb).

(* a s0 s1 ... sn c t0 t1 ... tm b -> a s0 ... sn c + c t0 ... tm b *)
Lemma variation_cat a b f s (c : R) :c \in s ->
variation a b f s =
variation a c f (take (index c s) s)
+ variation c b f (drop (index c s).+1 s).
Lemma variation_cat (a b c : R) f (s : Partition a b) (t : Partition b c) :
variation f (s ++ t) =
variation f s + variation f t.

move: s t.
move=> [s ps] [t pt].
rewrite /variation //=.
rewrite -{1}(cat_take_drop


(* memo sumEFin : (\sum)%E=(\sum)%:E *)
Expand Down

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