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Jelastic packages for Jahia Cloud

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Jelastic Packages


This repository contains all manifests and assets used for the Jahia Cloud PaaS platform.

It's a merge of what was in previous paas_jelastic_* and cloud-scripts repos.


Here are some rules that should be observed:

  • packages in packages/jahia folder should apply to Jahia envs, and so on
  • packages should contain minimum logic, most logic should be deported to actions defined in mixins (for reusability)
    • as a consequence, assets should only be referenced by actions (package > action > asset)
  • actions should not rely on global variables
  • keep mixin files dependencies to the bare minimum
    • when one mixin depends on another, it must be specified in a comment on top of the file


├── assets
│   ├── common
│   ├── database
│   ├── elasticsearch
│   ├── haproxy
│   ├── jahia
│   └── jcustomer
├── conf
├── mixins
└── packages
    ├── common
    ├── jahia
    ├── jcustomer
    ├── misc
    └── one-shot

Assets are files that are used by manifests. They can be configuration files, scripts, images...

The conf folder contains a global configuration file per environment (dev, preprod, prod) that will be used to create cloud_conf nodegroup data on cp nodes.

Mixins files contain Jelastic actions used in diffrerent manifests (used for reusability as manifests can be imported in any manifest).

Packages (or Manifests) are YAML files run on Jelastic infrastructure to create/update/delete resources.

This is a script that allows you to do:

  • checks
    • check that the actions used by manifest(s) are well defined
       $ ./ check packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml
      for manifest './packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml, section 'actions':
      		[checkJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
      				[getJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./mixins/jahia.yml']
      				[if] is a keyword
      						[return] is a jelastic keyword with args
      				[getJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./mixins/jahia.yml']
      				[if] is a keyword
      						[return] is a jelastic keyword with args
      		[temporaryWorkaround] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
      				[if] is a keyword
      					[api] is a jelastic keyword with args
      				[if] is a keyword
      					[api] is a jelastic keyword with args
      for manifest './packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml, section 'events':
      no events detected
      for manifest './packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml, section 'onInstall':
      	[checkJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
      	[temporaryWorkaround] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
      	[foreach] is a keyword
      		[temporaryWorkaround] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
      If a called action can't be found, you will have something like this:
       $ ./ check packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml
      for manifest './packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml, section 'actions':
              [checkJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
                      [getJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./mixins/jahia.yml']
                      [WellStillNotDefinedAnywhere] is an action not defined anywhere !
                      [if] is a keyword
                              [return] is a jelastic keyword with args
                      [getJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./mixins/jahia.yml']
                      [WellStillNotDefinedAnywhere] is an action not defined anywhere !
                      [if] is a keyword
                              [return] is a jelastic keyword with args
              [temporaryWorkaround] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
                      [if] is a keyword
                          [api] is a jelastic keyword with args
                      [if] is a keyword
                          [api] is a jelastic keyword with args
      for manifest './packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml, section 'events':
      no events detected
      for manifest './packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml, section 'onInstall':
          [checkJahiaVersion] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
          [temporaryWorkaround] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
          [IMPrettySureThisActionIsOnMyMixins] is an action not defined anywhere !
          [foreach] is a keyword
              [temporaryWorkaround] is an action from ['./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml']
      ❌'WellStillNotDefinedAnywhere' from ./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml isn't defined
      ❌'IMPrettySureThisActionIsOnMyMixins' from ./packages/one-shot/paas-1982-fix-jessionid.yml isn't defined
    • check for duplicated actions in mixins files
      $ ./ mixins_duplicates
      ❌'setJournaldLimit' is duplicated: ['./mixins/common.yml', './mixins/jcustomer.yml']
  • graph dependencies tree from manifest(s)
    $ ./ graph -q -o ./packages/jahia/augmented-search-*.yml
  • (really) simple search
    $ ./ search --name checkJahiaHealth
    Building data... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00
     id    name              kind    section    call  called_by                                                          parent  childs  legit
     99    checkJahiaHealth  action  actions    146   1056,1091,937,1033,1003,1037,974,1165,1104,1073,434,1138,948,1119  86              true
     937   checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       393             true
     948   checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       398             true
     974   checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       410             true
     1003  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       425             true
     1033  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       432             true
     1037  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       444             true
     1056  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       454             true
     1073  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       461             true
     1091  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       472             true
     1104  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       475             true
     1119  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       484             true
     1138  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       498             true
     1165  checkJahiaHealth  action  onInstall  99                                                                       515             true

In order for the script to work, you need to have:

  • graphviz and its development files
  • gcc
  • python 3.8 or higher then do a pip install -r deps_requirements.txt


Here is an exemple of what you can have in order to automatically check before committing:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "PRE-COMMIT check for ${PWD##*/}"

manifest_involved=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep -v "^.*/?assets/" | grep -E "(mixins|packages)*ya?ml")
mixin_involved=$(echo "${manifest_involved}" | grep "^mixins/")

if [ -n "${manifest_involved}" ]; then
    if ! (./ check -q ${manifest_involved}); then

if [ -n "${mixin_involved}" ]; then
    if ! (./ mixins_duplicates); then


if [ $error -gt 0 ]; then
    echo "Can't commit, you must fix previous error(s) before..."
    exit $error

echo "Looks ok, commit can occure..."


Infrasctructure overview

Jahia env

A Jahia environment contains:

  • One or several Haproxy nodes
  • Tomcat nodes (each node has a clusterized proxysql instance):
    • One or several Jahia Browsing nodes
    • One Jahia Processing node
  • Either one single MariaDB node or three MariaDB nodes clusterized with Galera

Requests on the domain name target the Haproxy node(s) which route them to the Browsing node(s), where a session affinity is set in case there are multiple ones.

The processing node won't receive any request from client as browsing nodes are the only ones defined in Haproxy configuration.

In case of a Galera cluster, queries are all executed on the same MariaDB master node, which is replicated to the other ones.

jCustomer env

A jCustomer environment contains:

  • One or several jCustomer nodes

Each jCustomer environment is linked to an Elastic Cloud deployment, either dedicated or mutualized.

Docker images

Jahia env

Images used by Jahia environment nodes:

Node type Docker image
Haproxy jelastic/haproxy
Jahia Browsing jahia/jahiastic-jahia
Jahia Processing jahia/jahiastic-jahia
MariaDB jelastic/mariadb

jCustomer env

Images used by jCustomer environment nodes:

Node type Docker image
jCustomer jahia/jahiastic-jcustomer
Elasticsearch jahiadev/elasticsearch




Creates an autobackup environment to handle schedule backups.

parameter comment
masterLogin login used to connect to Jelastic
masterPwd password used to connect to Jelastic
awsAccess AWS Access Key
awsSecret AWS Secret Key
dd_api_key Datadog Apikey to use
paas_autobackup_version The tag of the paas-autobackup image to use


Backups an environment.

Works both for jahia (files + database, Haproxy conf) and jCustomer (Elasticsearch indices).

parameter comment
backup_name Backup Name
timestamp The backup timestamp in format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00
retention How many auto-backups do you want to keep
backtype Is this a manual or auto backup


Creates an Elasticsearch account.

parameter comment
accountName New account name
password Password of the new account
rolesList The list of Kibana roles to add to the new account


Creates a role on Kibana.

parameter comment
roleName New role name
esPermissions Permissions at ElasticSearch level
kibanaPermissions Permissions at Kibana level


Creates a space on Kibana.

parameter comment
spaceName New space name


Deletes an Elasticsearch account.

parameter comment
accountName Name of the account to delete


Deletes a role on Kibana.

parameter comment
roleName Name of the role to delete


Deletes a space on Kibana.

parameter comment
spaceName Name of the space to delete


Restores a backup. Works both for jahia (files + database, Haproxy conf) and jCustomer (Elasticsearch indices).

pame comment
backup_name Backup Name
cloud_source Enviroment source cloud provider
region_source Enviroment source cloud provider region
uid_source Environment owner's UID
envrole_source Enviroment source mode (dev or prod)
timestamp The backup timestamp in format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00
backtype Is this a manual or auto backup


Starts nodes individually (nothing is done at environment level).

pame comment
nodesToStart Nodes id to stop with the following format: {"nodeGroup1": ["XXXX"], "nodeGroup2": ["YYYYY", "ZZZZ"]}
dryRun Enables dry-run


Stops nodes individually (nothing is done at environment level).

pame comment
nodesToStop Nodes id to stop with the following format: {"nodeGroup1": ["XXXX"], "nodeGroup2": ["YYYYY", "ZZZZ"]}
dryRun Enables dry-run


This manifest allow to update datadog-agent package to the latest version.


This manifest allow to update a env's DataDog API key.

The script will check that the key currently used is the one you think before set the new key.

parameter comment
currentDataDogApikey The key currently used
newDataDogApikey The new API key yo use



Installs and configures Augmented Search for the environment.

This involves triggering the creation of the Elastic Cloud deployment if a dedicated one is needed, and the creation of the Elastic Cloud account/role.


Uninstalls and clean Augmented Search from the environment.

This involves triggering the deletion of the Elastic Cloud deployment if a dedicated one was used, and the deletion of the Elastic Cloud account/role and indices.


Check if a jahia env is alowed to talk with is linked jcustomer env.


Enables or disables the Datadog APM on the Tomcat nodes.

parameter comment
apmEnabled true or false to enable or disable the APM


Checks the consistency of a Jahia environment (to make sure that required modules are installed and running with the correct version).


This manifest will gracefuly restart all galera nodes with the jahia's Full ReadOnly mode enabled.


The base JPS, called by Jahia Cloud to create an environment.

Takes as parameters:

parameter comment
productVersion Jahia version (eg:
rootpwd Jahia root password
haproxyNodeCount Number of HAProxy nodes
browsingNodeCount Number of Jahia browsing nodes
browsingNodeSize Size of Jahia browsing nodes (small, medium or large)
processingNodeSize Size of Jahia processing node (small, medium or large)
sqldbNodeCount Number of MariaDB nodes
sqldbNodeSize Size of MariaDB nodes (small, medium or large)
shortdomain Environment name
ddogApikey Datadog Apikey to use
jahiaDockerImage Hidden settings for use a docker image instead of a tag of the jahia's jelastic template
dockerTagSuffix Suffix to add to the Docker tag
vaultRoleId Vault's Role Id to use
vaultSecretId Vault Role Id secret to use
vaultClusterUrl The Vault server to use
papiHostname Papi's hostname
papipapiApiVersion Papi's API version
papiEnvId The Environment ID on Papi


This manifest will create or update a Strongswan IPSec connection on each tomcat's nodes.

parameter comment
ipsec_should_be Boolean.
Tell if the previous connection should be up or down.


The manifest will enable or disable Jahia's Full ReadOnly mode.

parameter comment
enableFRO Boolean.


This manifest will perform a rolling redeployment of all Jahia nodes (cp & proc).

Be aware that is it not a simple restart, the Tomcat nodes are redeployed.


This manifest will perform a rolling restart of all Jahia nodes (cp & proc).

Be aware that is it not a redeployment, only tomcat services are restarted.


This manifest is launched against a Jahia env and will link it to a jCustomer environment by installing and configure jExperience module as well as putting a metadata envLink on nodegroups proc and cp. It also allow Jahia env tomcat's IPs in jCustomer configuration.

parameter comment
unomienv The jCustomer env to be linked to the targeted Jahia env


Enables or disables Basic Authentication at Haproxy level.

parameter comment
enable Boolean.
Enable or disable the Auth Basic.
login User name to use.
pwd Password to use.


This manifest will redeploy all galera nodes with the jahia's Full ReadOnly mode enabled.

parameter comment
targetDockerTag Jelastic Mariadb-dockerized template tag to use.
(default: 10.4.13)


This will reset backends on Haproxy.


This will add customer's custom rule to HAProxy configuration.

parameter comment
md5sum For compare the rules at Cloud's front level and what is stored in Vault.


Changes the Galera master node.

parameter comment
nodeIndex Node index of the new master (1,2,3)


Prepare a jahia's env root password update by setting a file on the processing node. Customers will still have to restart the processing node for being effective.

parameter comment
rootpwd The password to set.


Prepare a jahia's env /tools password update on each tomcat nodes. Customers will still have to restart all tomcat nodes for being fully effective.

parameter comment
tools_pwd The password to set.


This manifest will update the jExperience module's configuration with the provided password.

parameter comment
pwd_b64 The password jExperience have to use (base64 encoded)


Breaks the link between a Jahia and jCustomer environment.

parameter comment
isUnomiEnvDeletion true if the jCustomer environment is being deleted (OPTIONAL, default value is false)
jCustomerEnv Linked jCustomer env (OPTIONAL, if not set then the envname will be retrieved)
jahiaEnvStatus Jahia Env Status (Eg- 1(running), 2(stopped))


Describes actions associated to the Jelastic events on the environment.


This upgrade package aims at upgrading the version of Jahia by redeploying Jahia nodes with the target Jahia version tag.

parameter comment
dockerTagSuffix The Docker tag suffix



Enables or disables the Datadog APM on the Tomcat nodes.

parameter comment
apmEnabled true or false to enable or disable the APM


Updates the Geolite database with the most up-to-date version from Maxmind website.

Be aware that this will restart jCustomer nodes.


Updates the Geolite indices and aliases.

Be aware that this will restart jCustomer nodes.


Returns the Kibana endpoint of the Elastic Cloud deployment used by the environment.


This manifest will create a jCustomer environment.

parameter comment
productVersion jCustomer version (eg: 1.5.4)
jCustomerNodeCount Number of jCustomer nodes (from 1 to 7)
jCustomerNodeSize Size of jCustomer nodes (small, medium or large)
jCustomerDockerTagSuffix A suffix to add the the Docker tag
ddogApikey Datadog Apikey to use
rootPassword The jCustomer karaf's password
esNodeCount Number of Elasticsearch nodes (1, 3 or 5)
esNodeSize Size of Elasticsearch nodes (small, medium or large)
vaultRoleId Vault's Role Id to use
vaultSecretId Vault Role Id secret to use
vaultClusterUrl The Vault server to use
papiHostname Papi's hostname
papipapiApiVersion Papi's API version
papiEnvId The Environment ID on Papi


This manifest will perform a rolling redeployment of all the jCustomer nodes.

Be aware that it is not a simple restart, the nodes will be redeployed.


This manifest will perform a rolling restart of all the jCustomer nodes.

Be aware that it is not a redeployment, only karaf services are restarted.


This manifest will update the Maxmind key on all jCustomer nodes.

parameter comment
newMaxmindKey The new Maxmind key


Performs a reindexation of jCustomer indices.

parameter comment
shards_target Number of shards per index


Resets the password of the Kibana user used by the customers.

parameter comment
jahiaenv The target Jahia environment


Sets a new karaf's password in all jCustomer nodes and restart them.

parameter comment
rootpwd The jCustomer karaf's password


Describes actions associated to the Jelastic events on the environment.


This upgrades package aims at upgrading jCustomer nodes to the specified version.

Be aware that Elasticsearch version need to be compliant with the new jCustomer version otherwise the manifest will not allow the upgrade.

parameter comment
jCustomerDockerTagSuffix A suffix to add the the Docker tag


Each node is monitored on Datadog thanks to an agent directly installed on containers.

Datadog API key (pointing to a specific organization) is set as an envvar, and a periodic script updates Datadog configuration in case this envvar or any tag is changed so that the agent still sends metrics to the right place.


Performance tests

In order to run performance tests against a Jahia Cloud environment, required steps must be completed first by running jahia/perf-test-step1.yml and jahia/perf-test-step2.yml to the environment.

The jahia/perf-test-step1.yml package will trigger asynchrounous actions (site import on Jahia) which can take a lot of time, so you have to wait for the processing's tomcat logs to go silent before proceeding to the next step.

Once it is completed, you need to apply jahia/perf-test-step2.yml package to the environment. It will also trigger asychronous actions so you will have to wait for the processing's tomcat logs to go silent again before running any performance test.


Scheduled Backup

Automated backups are handled by a specific Jelastic environment scheduling backups with Cron, and accessible through an API (add, list, delete).

The common/auto_backup.yml will create an environment with a single cp node using this image: jahia/paas_autobackup

Note: only one scheduled backup env is needed by Jelastic cluster.


There is a significant amount of assets used by manifests but here are the most notable ones:


Can execute multiple tasks like :

  • upload a backup
  • download a backup
  • add backup metadata
  • remove backup metadata
  • rotate backups
parameter comment
-a, --action The operation you want to do (upload, download, list, addmeta, delmeta, rotate)
--accesskey The AWS Access key
--secretkey The AWS Secret access key
--backupname The backup name
--bucketname The bucket name you want to use
--displayname The environment display name (for metadata)
-f, --file The local file you want to upload or download
-F, --foreign If the backup is from another cloud/region/role ex: aws,eu-west-1,prod
-k, --keep How many auto backups you want to keep (in case of backup rotation)
-m, --mode The backup mode: manual or auto
-p, --progress To show a progress bar or not
--size The backup size in Bytes (used for the metadata file)
-t, --timestamp Backup timestamp in format %%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:00

This script is used to check if the anti-affinity rule is respected for a specific Jelastic region, meaning that nodes from the same nodegroup in the same environment should be located on different Hardware Nodes.

This is particularly useful before running the Hardware Node upgrade script.

parameter comment
-u, --user The Jelastic admin user. Optional if the juser environment variable is defined
-p, --password The Jelastic user's password. Optional if the jpassword environment variable is defined
-j, --jelastic The Jelastic cluster's DNS. Optional if the jserver environment variable is defined
-r, --region The Jelastic region to check
--papi-token Papi admin token. Optional if the PAPI_TOKEN environment variable is defined
--papi-hostname Papi hostname. Optional if the PAPI_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined

This script is used to list all the nodes running on a Hardware Node (not including VAP nodes).

parameter comment
--jelastic-hardware-node-hostname The HN hostname. Optional if the JELASTIC_HARDWARE_NODE_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined
--juser The Jelastic admin user. Optional if the JELASTIC_USER environment variable is defined
--jpassword The Jelastic user's password. Optional if the JELASTIC_PASSWORD environment variable is defined
--jserver The Jelastic cluster's DNS. Optional if the JELASTIC_SERVER environment variable is defined
--region The Jelastic region to check. Optional if the JELASTIC_REGION environment variable is defined
--papi-token Papi admin token. Optional if the PAPI_TOKEN environment variable is defined
--papi-hostname Papi hostname. Optional if the PAPI_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined

This script prepares a Hardware Node to be upgraded. It does the following actions:

  • Sets the HN in MAINTENANCE mode
  • Mutes the node in Datadog
  • Stops the nodes running on the HN
  • Waits for the HN to be upgraded and restarted
  • Starts the nodes running on the HN
  • Unmutes the node in Datadog
  • Sets the HN in ACTIVE mode
parameter comment
--jelastic-hardware-node-hostname The hardware node hostname on Jelastic. Optional if the JELASTIC_HARDWARE_NODE_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined
--datadog-hardware-node-hostname The hardware node hostname on Datadog. Optional if the DATADOG_HARDWARE_NODE_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined
--juser The Jelastic admin user. Optional if the JELASTIC_USER environment variable is defined
--jpassword The Jelastic user's password. Optional if the JELASTIC_PASSWORD environment variable is defined
--jserver The Jelastic cluster's DNS. Optional if the JELASTIC_SERVER environment variable is defined
--region The Jelastic region where the HN is located. Optional if the JELASTIC_REGION environment variable is defined
--dd-app-key An Application key for the JC Infra Datadog organization. Optional if the DD_APP_KEY environment variable is defined
--dd-api-key An API key for the JC Infra Datadog organization. Optional if the DD_API_KEY environment variable is defined
--papi-token Papi token. Optional if the PAPI_TOKEN environment variable is defined
--papi-hostname Papi hostname. Optional if the PAPI_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined
--state-file-path The path of the state file used to save the list of nodes and their status
--recover-state If this parameter is set, the state file won't be created/updated (useful if the script has been stopped before restarting the nodes during a previous run for instance and the file already exists)
--skip-stop If this parameter is set, the script won't check the cluster state nor stop nodes on the HN. It can't be used if --recover-state is not set
--stop_nodes_threads_nb The number of environments processed in parallel when stopping nodes (default: 4)
--start_nodes_threads_nb The number of environments processed in parallel when starting nodes (default: 2)

This script is used to return a list of groups containing HNs that can be upgraded synchronously because they host clustered nodes for Jahia/jCustomer environments and VAP nodes (core nodes, SLBs...).

This is very useful to paralelize upgrade of all HNs from a same region and save time since it's quite a long operation.

parameter comment
--juser The Jelastic admin user. Optional if the JELASTIC_USER environment variable is defined
--jpassword The Jelastic user's password. Optional if the JELASTIC_PASSWORD environment variable is defined
--jserver The Jelastic cluster's DNS. Optional if the JELASTIC_SERVER environment variable is defined
--region The Jelastic region to check. Optional if the JELASTIC_REGION environment variable is defined
--exclude A comma separated list of HNs that should be excluded from the plan (optional)
--max-group-size The maximum number of HNs per group, 0 to disable (optional, default value is 0)
--include-infra-nodes To include INFRASTRUCTURE nodes to the groups (optional, default value is False)

The PlayWithIt class in this Python file contains a number of methods used by multiple Python scripts to interact with AWS resources.


Python library to interact with Papi.

parameter comment
-e, --hostname Papi hostname. Optional if the PAPI_HOSTNAME environment variable is defined
-a, --api-version Papi API version. Optional if the PAPI_API_VERSION environment variable is defined
-t, --token Papi API version. Optional if the PAPI_TOKEN environment variable is defined
-X, --method The HTTP method to use (GET, POST...)
-d, --data The data to include to the request if it is a POST/PUT request
path The URL path of the resource on Papi

Creates revisionNode file

parameter comment
-n, --number Decimal number to set in file
-f, --file File path
-r, --read Reads the file instead of writing it