- 🔭 I’m currently working on Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Flask, Flutter, Google App Engine, GCP
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Nodejs, BlockChain, Machine Learning
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Javascript/Typescript/Angular projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with building Decentralised Applications
- 💬 Ask me about best practices, architectural design and perfomance improvement of Angular Applications
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: You would either find me observing a problem closely or building a solution for the same.
My love for technology has driven me into the world of programming ever since I got into college. It all started from my freshmen year when I got my first internship. The journey since then has been really fascinating. I started with designing web pages and learning design standards. Then I moved on to python programming and building RESTful APIs. I got my hands on managing NoSql Databses like Cloud Datastore and Firestore. Worked closely in deploying and hosting web applications on Google App Engine and Firebase.
Then started my journey with Javascript, and I fell for a language created in just 10 days. I got deep into learning the basics and fundamentals of JS and then moved on to frameworks like Angular. Since then I have built various production ready web application using Angular. I have also created cross platfrom applications using Ionic Framework and Flutter.
In this duration of my long term internship, I have worked as Frontend engineer, Backend developer and I have gained much experience on Agile development, Team work, version control and best practices. I have also trained interns in the process and helped them grow. Apart from my internship I manged time to deliver freelance projects and gain experience working with developers from various different parts of the world.
I am currently working as a Full time Software Engineer from June 2021. My work mostly includes developing Angular applications, making architectural desicions and researching new and best ways to implemenet the task at hand.
I believe in building a community of technology enthusiasts who can help each other grow and collaboratively provide smarter solutions to problems in the world. You may probably find me helping people with their problems, debugging code for errors, handling clients, or using technology as a tool to fight real life problems.
- Skills I'm confident about: HTML/CSS, Javascript, Angular 2+, Python, Google App Engine, Firebase.
- Skills I'm familiar with: Blockchain, Flutter, Machine Learning, Nodejs
You can reach out to me at [email protected]