For constrained planning in OMPL, the state space has to satisfy some assumptions as described in the documentation. In this repository I put some (ugly and incomplete) code I wrote while ago to create an SE3 state space that satisfies these assumptions. The default SE3 state space in OMPL is a compound state space that cannot be used for constrained planning.
I implemented it based the response from Zak Kingston on the issue I posted in 2019. I never tested or used it in the end, so it could be full of bugs.
After having installed all the requirements for ompl, you should be able to build this example in the usual cmake way:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
and then running the ./constrained_se3_planning
target. This will write the interpolated path to a file /build/path_se3.txt
which can be visualized with the Python script
. The python script requires the installation of numpy
, matplotlib
and pyquaternion