Collection of papers on Knowledge Distillation. The PDF of each paper could be obtained by clicking the title.
- Spatial knowledge distillation to aid visual reasoning. Aditya, S., Saha, R., Yang, Y. & Baral, C. (2019). WACV.
- Knowledge distillation from internal representations. Aguilar, G., Ling, Y., Zhang, Y., Yao, B., Fan, X. & Guo, E. (2020). AAAI.
- Compressing gans using knowledge distillation. Aguinaldo, A., Chiang, P. Y., Gain, A., Patil, A., Pearson, K. & Feizi, S. (2019).
- Variational information distillation for knowledge transfer. Ahn, S., Hu, S., Damianou, A., Lawrence, N. D. & Dai, Z. (2019). CVPR.
- Emotion recognition in speech using crossmodal transfer in the wild. Albanie, S., Nagrani, A., Vedaldi, A. & Zisserman, A. (2018). ACM MM.
- Learning and generalization in overparameterized neural networks going beyond two layers. Allen-Zhu, Z., Li, Y., & Liang, Y. (2019). NeurIPS.
- Large scale distributed neural network training through online distillation. Anil, R., Pereyra, G., Passos, A., Ormandi, R., Dahl, G. E.. & Hinton, G. E. (2018). ICLR.
- On the optimization of deep networks: Implicit acceleration by overparameterization. Arora, S., Cohen, N., & Hazan, E. (2018). ICML.
- On knowledge distillation from complex networks for response prediction. Arora, S., Khapra, M. M. & Ramaswamy, H. G. (2019). NAACL-HLT.
- Domain adaptation of dnn acoustic models using knowledge distillation. Asami, T., Masumura, R., Yamaguchi, Y., Masataki, H. & Aono, Y. (2017). ICASSP.
- N2N learning: Network to network compression via policy gradient reinforcement learning. Ashok, A., Rhinehart, N., Beainy, F. & Kitani, K. M. (2018). ICLR.
- Ensemble knowledge distillation for learning improved and efficient networks. Asif, U., Tang, J. & Harrer, S. (2020). ECAI.
- Do deep nets really need to be deep?. Ba, J. & Caruana, R. (2014). NeurIPS.
- Label refinery: Improving imagenet classification through label progressio. Bagherinezhad, H., Horton, M., Rastegari, M. & Farhadi, A. (2018).
- Few shot network compression via cross distillation. Bai, H., Wu, J., King, I. & Lyu, M. (2020). AAAI.
- Learn spelling from teachers: transferring knowledge from language models to sequence-to-sequence speech recognition. Bai, Y., Yi, J., Tao, J., Tian, Z. &Wen, Z. (2019). Interspeech.
- Teacher guided architecture search. Bashivan, P., Tensen, M. & DiCarlo, J. J. (2019). ICCV.
- Adversarial network compression. Belagiannis, V., Farshad, A. & Galasso, F. (2018). ECCV.
- Representation learning: A review and new perspectives. Bengio, Y., Courville, A., & Vincent, P. (2013). IEEE TPAMI 35(8): 1798–1828.
- Uninformed students: Student-teacher anomaly detection with discriminative latent embeddings. Bergmann, P., Fauser, M., Sattlegger, D., & Steger, C. (2020). CVPR.
- Efficient video classification using fewer frames. Bhardwaj, S., Srinivasan, M. & Khapra, M. M. (2019). CVPR.
- Distributed Distillation for On-Device Learning. Bistritz, I., Mann, A., & Bambos, N. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Flexible Dataset Distillation: Learn Labels Instead of Images. Bohdal, O., Yang, Y., & Hospedales, T. (2020).
- Stochastic Precision Ensemble: Self-Knowledge Distillation for Quantized Deep Neural Networks. Boo, Y., Shin, S., Choi, J., & Sung, W. (2021). AAAI.
- Why do Larger Models Generalize Better? A Theoretical Perspective via the XOR Problem. Brutzkus, A., & Globerson, A. (2019). ICML.
- Model compression. Bucilua, C., Caruana, R. & Niculescu-Mizil, A. (2006). SIGKDD.
- Online Fast Adaptation and Knowledge Accumulation (OSAKA): a New Approach to Continual Learning. Caccia, M., Rodriguez, P., Ostapenko, O., Normandin, F., Lin, M., Caccia, L., Laradji, I., Rish, I., Lacoste, A., Vazquez D., & Charlin, L. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Transferring knowledge from a rnn to a DNN. Chan, W., Ke, N. R. & Lane, I. (2015).
- Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection. Chawla, A., Yin, H., Molchanov, P., & Alvarez, J. (2021). WACV.
- Distilling knowledge from ensembles of neural networks for speech recognition. Chebotar, Y. & Waters, A. (2016). Interspeech.
- Online knowledge distillation with diverse peers. Chen, D., Mei, J. P., Wang, C., Feng, Y. & Chen, C. (2020a). AAAI.
- Cross-Layer Distillation with Semantic Calibration. Chen, D., Mei, J. P., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., Wang, Z., Feng, Y., & Chen, C. (2021). AAAI.
- Learning efficient object detection models with knowledge distillation. Chen, G., Choi, W., Yu, X., Han, T., & Chandraker, M. (2017). NeurIPS.
- Data-Free Learning of Student Networks. Chen, H., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Yang, Z., Liu, C., Shi, B., Xu, C., Xu, C., &Tian, Q. (2019a). ICCV.
- Learning student networks via feature embedding. Chen, H., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Xu, C. & Tao, D. (2021). IEEE TNNLS 32(1): 25-35.
- Net2Net: ACCELERATING LEARNING VIA KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER. Chen, T., Goodfellow, I. & Shlens, J. (2016). ICLR.
- Knowledge distillation with feature maps for image classification. Chen, W. C., Chang, C. C. & Lee, C. R. (2018a). ACCV.
- Adversarial distillation for efficient recommendation with external knowledge. Chen, X., Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Qin, Z. & Zha, H. (2018b). ACM TOIS 37(1): 1–28.
- A two-teacher tramework for knowledge distillation. Chen, X., Su, J. & Zhang, J. (2019b). ISNN.
- Darkrank: Accelerating deep metric learning via cross sample similarities transfer. Chen, Y., Wang, N. & Zhang, Z. (2018c). AAAI.
- Distilling knowledge learned in BERT for text generation. Chen, Y. C., Gan, Z., Cheng, Y., Liu, J., & Liu, J. (2020b). ACL.
- Crdoco: Pixel-level domain transfer with cross-domain consistency. Chen, Y. C., Lin, Y. Y., Yang, M. H., Huang, J. B. (2019c). CVPR.
- Lifelong Machine Learning, Second Edition Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Chen, Z. & Liu, B. (2018). 12(3): 1–207.
- A Multi-task Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised Shadow Detection. Chen, Z., Zhu, L., Wan, L., Wang, S., Feng, W., & Heng, P. A. (2020c). CVPR.
- Model compression and acceleration for deep neural networks: The principles, progress, and challenges. Cheng, Y., Wang, D., Zhou, P. & Zhang, T. (2018). IEEE Signal Proc Mag 35(1): 126–136.
- Explaining Knowledge Distillation by Quantifying the Knowledge. Cheng, X., Rao, Z., Chen, Y., & Zhang, Q. (2020). CVPR.
- On the efficacy of knowledge distillation. Cho, J. H. & Hariharan, B. (2019). ICCV.
- Xception: Deep learning with depthwise separable convolutions. Chollet, F. (2017). CVPR.
- Feature-map-level online adversarial knowledge distillation. Chung, I., Park, S., Kim, J. & Kwak, N. (2020). ICML.
- Bam! born-again multitask networks for natural language understanding. Clark, K., Luong, M. T., Khandelwal, U., Manning, C. D. & Le, Q. V. (2019). ACL. 51.Binaryconnect: Training deep neural networks with binary weights during propagations. Courbariaux, M., Bengio, Y. & David, J. P. (2015). NeurIPS. 52.Moonshine: Distilling with cheap convolutions. Crowley, E. J., Gray, G. & Storkey, A. J. (2018). NeurIPS.
- Knowledge distillation across ensembles of multilingual models or low-resource languages. Cui, J., Kingsbury, B., Ramabhadran, B., Saon, G., Sercu, T., Audhkhasi, K. & et al. (2017).ICASSP.
- Knowledge Augmented Deep Neural Networks for Joint Facial Expression and Action Unit Recognition. Cui, Z., Song, T., Wang, Y., & Ji, Q. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Defocus Blur Detection via Depth Distillation. Cun, X., & Pun, C. M. (2020). ECCV.
- ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database. Deng, J., Dong, W., Socher, R., Li, L. J., Li, K., & Fei- Fei, L. (2009). CVPR.
- Exploiting linear structure within convolutional networks for efficient evaluation. Denton, E. L., Zaremba, W., Bruna, J., LeCun, Y. & Fergus, R. (2014).NeurIPS.
- Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding Devlin, J., Chang, M. W., Lee, K. & Toutanova, K. (2019). NAACL-HLT.
- Adaptive regularization of labels Ding, Q., Wu, S., Sun, H., Guo, J. & Xia, ST. (2019).
- Compact trilinear interaction for visual question answering Do, T., Do, T. T., Tran, H., Tjiputra, E. & Tran, Q. D. (2019). ICCV.
- Teacher supervises students how to learn from partially labeled images for facial landmark detection Dong, X. & Yang, Y. (2019). ICCV.
- Unpaired multi-modal segmentation via knowledge distillation Dou, Q., Liu, Q., Heng, P. A., & Glocker, B. (2020). IEEE TMI
- Agree to Disagree: Adaptive Ensemble Knowledge Distillation in Gradient Space Du, S., You, S., Li, X., Wu, J., Wang, F., Qian, C., & Zhang, C. (2020). NeurIPS.
- ShrinkTeaNet: Million-scale lightweight face recognition via shrinking teacher-student networks Duong, C. N., Luu, K., Quach, K. G. & Le, N. (2019.)
- Fast, Accurate, and Simple Models for Tabular Data via Augmented Distillation Fakoor, R., Mueller, J. W., Erickson, N., Chaudhari, P., & Smola, A. J. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Transferring knowledge across learning processes Flennerhag, S., Moreno, P. G., Lawrence, N. D. & Damianou, A. (2019). ICLR.
- Ensemble distillation for neural machine translation Freitag, M., Al-Onaizan, Y. & Sankaran, B. (2017).
- LRC-BERT: Latent representation Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Natural Language Understanding. Fu, H., Zhou, S., Yang, Q., Tang, J., Liu, G., Liu, K., & Li, X. (2021). AAAI.
- Efficient knowledge distillation from an ensemble of teachers. Fukuda, T., Suzuki, M., Kurata, G., Thomas, S., Cui, J. & Ramabhadran, B. (2017). Interspeech.
- Born again neural networks. Furlanello, T., Lipton, Z., Tschannen, M., Itti, L. & Anandkumar, A. (2018). ICML.
- An adversarial feature distillation method for audio classification. Gao, L., Mi, H., Zhu, B., Feng, D., Li, Y. & Peng, Y. (2019). IEEE Access 7: 105319–105330.
- Residual Error Based Knowledge Distillation. Gao, M., Wang, Y., & Wan, L. (2021). Neurocomputing 433: 154-161.
- Privileged modality distillation for vessel border detection in intracoronary imaging. Gao, Z., Chung, J., Abdelrazek, M., Leung, S., Hau,W. K., Xian, Z., Zhang, H., & Li, S. (2020). IEEE TMI 39(5): 1524-1534.
- Modality distillation with multiple stream networks for action recognition. Garcia, N. C., Morerio, P. & Murino, V. (2018). ECCV.
- Low-resolution face recognition in the wild via selective knowledge distillation. Ge, S., Zhao, S., Li, C. & Li, J. (2018). IEEE TIP 28(4):2051–2062.
- Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation. Ge, S., Zhao, S., Li, C., Zhang, Y., & Li, J. (2020). IEEE TIP 29: 6898-6908.
- Advancing multi-accented lstm-ctc speech recognition using a domain specific student-teacher learning paradigm. Ghorbani, S., Bulut, A. E. & Hansen, J. H. (2018). SLTW.
- White-to-black: Efficient distillation of black-box adversarial attacks. Gil, Y., Chai, Y., Gorodissky, O. & Berant, J. (2019). NAACL-HLT.
- Adversarially robust distillation. Goldblum, M., Fowl, L., Feizi, S. & Goldstein, T. (2020). AAAI.
- Teaching semi-supervised classifier via generalized distillation. Gong, C., Chang, X., Fang, M. & Yang, J. (2018). IJCAI.
- Label propagation via teaching-to-learn and learningto-teach. Gong, C., Tao, D., Liu, W., Liu, L., & Yang, J. (2017). TNNLS 28(6): 1452–1465.
- Generative adversarial nets. Goodfellow, I., Pouget-Abadie, J., Mirza, M., Xu, B., Warde-Farley, D., Ozair, S., Courville, A., & Bengio, Y. (2014). NeurIPS.
- Explaining sequencelevel knowledge distillation as data-augmentation for neural machine translation. Gordon, M. A. & Duh, K. (2019).
- Search for Better Students to Learn Distilled Knowledge. Gu, J., & Tresp, V. (2020). ECAI.
- Differentiable Feature Aggregation Search for Knowledge Distillation. Guan, Y., Zhao, P., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Yao, C., Bian, K., & Tang, J. (2020). ECCV.
- Online Knowledge Distillation via Collaborative Learning. Guo, Q., Wang, X., Wu, Y., Yu, Z., Liang, D., Hu, X., & Luo, P. (2020). CVPR.
- Cross modal istillation for supervision transfer. Gupta, S., Hoffman, J. & Malik, J. (2016). CVPR.
- Self-knowledge distillation in natural language processing. Hahn, S. & Choi, H. (2019). RANLP.
- Textkdgan: Text generation using knowledge distillation and generative adversarial networks. Haidar, M. A. & Rezagholizadeh, M. (2019). Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- Learning both weights and connections for efficient neural network. Han, S., Pool, J., Tran, J. & Dally, W. (2015). NeurIPS.
- Spatiotemporal distilled dense-connectivity network for video action recognition. Hao, W. & Zhang, Z. (2019). Pattern Recogn 92: 13–24.
- The knowledge within: Methods for data-free model compression. Haroush, M., Hubara, I., Hoffer, E., & Soudry, D. (2020). CVPR.
- Group Knowledge Transfer: Federated Learning of Large CNNs at the Edge. He, C., Annavaram, M., & Avestimehr, S. (2020a). NeurIPS.
- Why resnet works? residuals generalize. He, F., Liu, T., & Tao, D. (2020b). IEEE TNNLS 31(12): 5349–5362.
- Deep residual learning for image recognition. He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. & Sun, J. (2016). CVPR.
- Knowledge adaptation for efficient semantic segmentation. He, T., Shen, C., Tian, Z., Gong, D., Sun, C. & Yan, Y. (2019). CVPR.
- A comprehensive overhaul of feature distillation. Heo, B., Kim, J., Yun, S., Park, H., Kwak, N., & Choi, J. Y. (2019a). ICCV.
- Knowledge distillation with adversarial samples supporting decision boundary. Heo, B., Lee, M., Yun, S. & Choi, J. Y. (2019b). AAAI.
- Knowledge transfer via distillation of activation boundaries formed by hidden neurons. Heo, B., Lee, M., Yun, S. & Choi, J. Y.(2019c). AAAI.
- Distilling the knowledge in a neural network. Hinton, G., Vinyals, O. & Dean, J. (2015).
- Learning with Side Information through Modality Hallucination.Hoffman, J., Gupta, S. & Darrell, T. (2016). CVPR.
- GAN-Knowledge Distillation for one-stage Object Detection. Hong, W. & Yu, J. (2019).
- Learning lightweight lane detection cnns by self attention distillation. Hou, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, C. & Loy, CC. (2019). ICCV.
- Inter-Region Affinity Distillation for Road Marking Segmentation. Hou, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, C., Hui, T. W., & Loy, C. C.(2020). CVPR.
- Mobilenets: Efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision applications. Howard, A. G., Zhu, M., Chen, B., Kalenichenko, D., Wang, W., Weyand, T., Andreetto, M., & Adam, H. (2017).
- Creating Something from Nothing: Unsupervised Knowledge Distillation for Cross-Modal Hashing. Hu, H., Xie, L., Hong, R., & Tian, Q. (2020). CVPR.
- Attention-guided answer distillation for machine reading comprehension. Hu, M., Peng, Y., Wei, F., Huang, Z., Li, D., Yang, N. & et al. (2018). EMNLP.
- Densely connected convolutional networks. Huang, G., Liu, Z., Van, Der Maaten, L. & Weinberger, K. Q. (2017). CVPR.
- Knowledge Distillation for Sequence Model. Huang, M., You, Y., Chen, Z., Qian, Y. & Yu, K. (2018). Interspeech.
- Like What You Like: Knowledge Distill via Neuron Selectivity Transfer. Huang, Z. & Wang, N. (2017).
- Comprehensive Attention Self-Distillation for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection. Huang, Z., Zou, Y., Bhagavatula, V., & Huang, D. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift. Ioffe, S., & Szegedy, C. (2015). ICML
- Learning what and where to transfer. Jang, Y., Lee, H., Hwang, S. J. & Shin, J. (2019). ICML.
- Knowledge Distillation in Wide Neural Networks:Risk Bound, Data Efficiency and Imperfect Teacher. Ji, G., & Zhu, Z. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Tinybert: Distilling bert for natural language understanding. Jiao, X., Yin, Y., Shang, L., Jiang, X., Chen, X., Li, L. & et al. (2020). EMNLP.
- Knowledge distillation via route constrained optimization. Jin, X., Peng, B., Wu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, J., Liang, D., Yan, J. & Hu, X. (2019). ICCV.
- Towards oracle knowledge distillation with neural architecture search. Kang, M., Mun, J. & Han, B. (2020). AAAI.
- Paraphrasing Complex Network: Network Compression via Factor Transfer. Kim, J., Park, S. & Kwak, N. (2018). NeurIPS.
- QKD: Quantization-aware Knowledge Distillation. Kim, J., Bhalgat, Y., Lee, J., Patel, C., & Kwak, N. (2019a).
- Feature fusion for online mutual knowledge distillation. Kim, J., Hyun, M., Chung, I. & Kwak, N. (2019b). ICPR.
- Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation. Kim, Y., Rush & A. M. (2016). EMNLP.
- Few-shot learning of neural networks from scratch by pseudo example optimization. Kimura, A., Ghahramani, Z., Takeuchi, K., Iwata, T. & Ueda, N. (2018). BMVC.
- Cross-Resolution Face Recognition via Prior-Aided Face Hallucination and Residual Knowledge Distillation. Kong, H., Zhao, J., Tu, X., Xing, J., Shen, S. & Feng, J. (2019).
- Learning multiple layers of features from tiny images.
- Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I. & Hinton, G. E. (2012). NeurIPS.
- Distilling an Ensemble of Greedy Dependency Parsers into One MST Parser. Kuncoro, A., Ballesteros, M., Kong, L., Dyer, C. & Smith, N. A. (2016). EMNLP.
- Unsupervised multi-task adaptation using adversarial cross-task distillation. Kundu, J. N., Lakkakula, N. & Babu, R. V. (2019). CVPR.
- Dual Policy Distillation. Lai, K. H., Zha, D., Li, Y., & Hu, X. (2020). IJCAI.
- Self-Referenced Deep Learning. Lan, X., Zhu, X., & Gong, S. (2018). ACCV.
- Rethinking data augmentation: Self-supervision and selfdistillation. Lee, H., Hwang, S. J. & Shin, J. (2019a).
- Overcoming catastrophic forgetting with unlabeled data in the wild. Lee, K., Lee, K., Shin, J. & Lee, H. (2019b). ICCV.
- Stochasticity and Skip Connection Improve Knowledge Transfer. Lee, K., Nguyen, L. T. & Shim, B. (2019c). AAAI.
- Graph-based knowledge distillation by multi-head attention network. Lee, S. & Song, B. (2019). BMVC.
- Selfsupervised knowledge distillation using singular value decomposition. Lee, S. H., Kim, D. H. & Song, B. C. (2018). ECCV.
- Learning Light-Weight Translation Models from Deep Transformer. Li, B., Wang, Z., Liu, H., Du, Q., Xiao, T., Zhang, C., & Zhu, J. (2021). AAAI.
- Blockwisely Supervised Neural Architecture Search with Knowledge Distillation.. Li, C., Peng, J., Yuan, L., Wang, G., Liang, X., Lin, L.,& Chang, X. (2020a). CVPR.
- Residual Distillation: Towards Portable Deep Neural Networks without Shortcuts. Li, G., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Liu, C., Tan, M., Lin, Y., Zhang, W., Feng, J., & Zhang, T. (2020b). NeurIPS.
- Spatiotemporal knowledge distillation for efficient estimation of aerial video saliency. Li, J., Fu, K., Zhao, S. & Ge, S. (2019). IEEE TIP 29:1902–1914.
- Gan compression: Efficient architectures for interactive conditional gans. Li, M., Lin, J., Ding, Y., Liu, Z., Zhu, J. Y., & Han, S.(2020c). CVPR.
- Mimicking very efficient network for object detection. Li, Q., Jin, S. & Yan, J. (2017). CVPR.
- Few sample knowledge distillation for efficient network compression. Li, T., Li, J., Liu, Z., & Zhang, C. (2020d). CVPR.
- Local Correlation Consistency for Knowledge Distillation. Li, X., Wu, J., Fang, H., Liao, Y., Wang, F., & Qian, C. (2020e). ECCV.
- Learning without forgetting. Li, Z. & Hoiem, D. (2017).IEEE TPAMI 40(12): 2935–2947.
- Ensemble distillation for robust model fusion in federated learning. Lin, T., Kong, L., Stich, S. U., & Jaggi, M. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Knowledge flow:Improve upon your teachers. Liu, I. J., Peng, J. & Schwing, A. G. (2019a). ICLR.
- Exploiting the ground-truth: An adversarial imitation based knowledge distillation approach for event detection. Liu, J., Chen, Y. & Liu, K. (2019b). AAAI.
- Knowledge representing:efficient, sparse representation of prior knowledge for knowledge distillation. Liu, J., Wen, D., Gao, H., Tao, W., Chen, T. W., Osa, K. & et al. (2019c). CVPRW.
- DDFlow: Learning optical flow with unlabeled data distillation. Liu, P., King, I., Lyu, M. R., & Xu, J. (2019d). AAAI.
- Ktan: knowledge transfer adversarial network. Liu, P., Liu, W., Ma, H., Mei, T. & Seok, M. (2020a). IJCNN.
- Semantic-aware knowledge preservation for zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval. Liu, Q., Xie, L., Wang, H., Yuille & A. L. (2019e). . ICCV.
- Model compression with generative adversarial networks. Liu, R., Fusi, N. & Mackey, L. (2018).
- FastBERT: a self-distilling BERT with Adaptive Inference Time. Liu, W., Zhou, P., Zhao, Z., Wang, Z., Deng, H., & Ju,Q. (2020b). ACL.
- Improving the interpretability of deep neural networks with knowledge distillation. Liu, X., Wang, X. & Matwin, S. (2018b). ICDMW.
- Improving multi-task deep neural networks via knowledge distillation for natural language understanding. Liu, X., He, P., Chen, W. & Gao, J. (2019f).
- Knowledge distillation via instance relationship graph. Liu, Y., Cao, J., Li, B., Yuan, C., Hu, W., Li, Y. & Duan, Y. (2019g). CVPR.
- Structured knowledge distillation for semantic segmentation. Liu, Y., Chen, K., Liu, C., Qin, Z., Luo, Z. & Wang, J. (2019h). CVPR.
- Search to distill: Pearls are everywhere but not the eyes. Liu, Y., Jia, X., Tan, M., Vemulapalli, R., Zhu, Y., Green, B. & et al. (2019i). CVPR.
- Adaptive multi-teacher multi-level knowledge distillation. Liu, Y., Zhang, W., & Wang, J. (2020c). Neu-rocomputing 415: 106-113.
- Data-free knowledge distillation for deep neural networks. Lopes, R. G., Fenu, S. & Starner, T. (2017). NeurIPS.
- Unifying distillation and privileged information. Lopez-Paz, D., Bottou, L., Sch¨olkopf, B. & Vapnik, V. (2016). ICLR.
- Knowledge distillation for small-footprint highway networks. Lu, L., Guo, M. & Renals, S. (2017). ICASSP.
- Face model compression by distilling knowledge from neurons. Luo, P., Zhu, Z., Liu, Z., Wang, X. & Tang, X. (2016). AAAI.
- Collaboration by Competition: Selfcoordinated Knowledge Amalgamation for Multitalent Student Learning. Luo, S., Pan, W., Wang, X., Wang, D., Tang, H., & Song, M. (2020). ECCV.
- Knowledge amalgamation from heterogeneous networks by common feature learning. Luo, S., Wang, X., Fang, G., Hu, Y., Tao, D., & Song, M. (2019). IJCAI.
- Graph distillation for action detection with privileged modalities. Luo, Z., Hsieh, J. T., Jiang, L., Carlos Niebles, J.& Fei- Fei, L. (2018). ECCV.
- Improving neural architecture search image classifiers via ensemble learning. Macko, V., Weill, C., Mazzawi, H. & Gonzalvo, J. (2019). NeurIPS Workshop.
- Graph representation learning via multi-task knowledge distillation. Ma, J., & Mei, Q. (2019).
- Shufflenet v2: Practical guidelines for efficient cnn architecture design. Ma, N., Zhang, X., Zheng, H. T., & Sun, J. (2018). ECCV
- Conditional teacher-student learning. Meng, Z., Li, J., Zhao, Y. & Gong, Y. (2019). ICASSP.
- Zero-shot Knowledge Transfer via Adversarial Belief Matching. Micaelli, P. & Storkey, A. J. (2019). NeurIPS.
- Knowledge transfer graph for deep collaborative learning. Minami, S., Hirakawa, T., Yamashita, T. & Fujiyoshi, H. (2019).
- Improved knowledge distillation via teacher assistant. Mirzadeh, S. I., Farajtabar,M., Li, A. & Ghasemzadeh, H. (2020). AAAI.
- Apprentice: Using knowledge distillation techniques to improve lowprecision network accuracy. Mishra, A. & Marr, D. (2018). ICLR.
- Self-distillation amplifies regularization in hilbert space. Mobahi, H., Farajtabar, M., & Bartlett, P. L. (2020). NeurIPS.
- Distilling word embeddings: An encoding approach. Mou, L., Jia, R., Xu, Y., Li, G., Zhang, L. & Jin, Z. (2016). CIKM.
- Cogni-net: Cognitive feature learning through deep visual perception. Mukherjee, P., Das, A., Bhunia, A. K. & Roy, P. P. (2019). ICIP.
- Online model distillation for efficient video inference. Mullapudi, R. T., Chen, S., Zhang, K., Ramanan, D. & Fatahalian, K. (2019). ICCV.
- When does label smoothing help?. Muller, R., Kornblith, S. & Hinton, G. E. (2019). NeurIPS.
- Learning to specialize with knowledge distillation for visual question answering. Mun, J., Lee, K., Shin, J. & Han, B. (2018). NeurIPS.
- Knowledge distillation for end-to-end person search. Munjal, B., Galasso, F. & Amin, S. (2019). BMVC.
- Knowledge Distillation for Bilingual Dictionary Induction. Nakashole, N. & Flauger, R. (2017). EMNLP.
- Effectiveness of Arbitrary Transfer Sets for Data-free Knowledge Distillation. Nayak, G. K.,Mopuri, K. R., & Chakraborty, A. (2021). WACV.
- Zero-shot knowledge distillation in deep networks. Nayak, G. K., Mopuri, K. R., Shaj, V., Babu, R. V. & Chakraborty, A. (2019). ICML.
- Teacherstudent training for text-independent speaker recognition. Ng, R. W., Liu, X. & Swietojanski, P. (2018). SLTW.
- Dynamic kernel distillation for efficient pose estimation in videos. Nie, X., Li, Y., Luo, L., Zhang, N. & Feng, J. (2019). ICCV.
- Boosting self-supervised learning via knowledge transfer. Noroozi, M., Vinjimoor, A., Favaro, P. & Pirsiavash, H. (2018). CVPR.
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