SafeChatX is a chat moderation plugin built to help keep your server's chat in check.
All contributions are very much appreciated!
SpigotMC Resource
- SafeChat locales
- SafeChat commands
- SafeChat configurations
- SafeChat database
- SafeChat API
- SafeChat Annotations API
SafeChat has locales for you to edit to your liking, every message a player sees from SafeChat may be modified.
We plan on adding more language locales in the future for you to choose from.
To edit a locale message, all you need to do is get the latest version of the locale from out github repo
( and choose a file ending in .properties
After you choose your file, drop it into the SafeChat directory and modify the messages there.
Reload the plugin with /safechat reload
and it will load right up!
SafeChat provides some commands in-game that will allow to interact with the configurations or the checks. The commands that are currently available are listed here:
Command | Description | Permission |
safechat reload |
Reloads configuration files | safechat.commands.reload |
safechat help |
Show all available commands and permissions | |
safechat flags |
This command is used to calculate the flags a check has for a player | safechat.commands.flags |
safechat version |
Returns the current version of the plugin and the server version | safechat.commands.version |
SafeChat uses TOML to make the plugin configurable. TOML is an easy-to-use syntax which I recently adopted over YAML,
you can read more about it here
SafeChat currently has 5 configurations, I have decided to
split the settings of SafeChat into multiple configurations to not create a huge single config and make editing more
easy for the user!
A short configuration where you will be able to define the allowed addresses and domains into your plugin. All the other addresses and domains that are not whitelisted will automatically be considered as dangerous by SafeChat. |
This configuration makes you input values for the usage of the database. Make sure your data is correct if you are having troubles connecting to one of your databases. |
A configuration for check-specific settings. From this configuration you will be able to enable checks, customize punishments levels, and other. This is where you can disable our check logger which logs Check violations into /plugins/SafeChat/logs/checkLogs.log. |
A list of words that is considered forbidden on the server. |
The messages that will be used by each specific check upon fail. |
A database is required for SafeChat to work!
SafeChat currently supports the following databases:
- MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- Microsoft SQLServer
- HyperSQL
- CockroachDB
- H2
To work properly the "database-settings.toml" config must contain correct access data.
This plugin provides a simple API that allows users to program their own checks and make SafeChat register them at
All checks define their own logic and behaviour using the passed data from the chat events. The required data from the
chat event is wrapped into a
"ChatData" object which contains the player, and the message objects.
All checks are based on the "Check" interface. The check interface is a simple structure that allows you to define your
own chat control structure. In this API you will find most of the necessary classes and abstractions inside the
"studio.thevipershow.safechat.api" package.
You can add the SafeChat repository this way if you're using Maven:
Step 1: Add the JitPack repository to your maven project repositories
Step 2: add SafeChatX as provided dependency
<scope>provided</scope> <!-- IMPORTANT SETTING -->
To create a proper check, you must implement the check interface and define all the following methods respecting the scope:
This method will define the logic of your own check. When a check should fail, you should make it return true, otherwise it should return false. When a check returns true several other things will be done by SafeChat such as event cancelling and (not always) punishments and warnings. |
This specifies if your check, when failed, should provide a warning message to the user. The warning message is defined through another method in the check interface. |
This specifices if your check will log data to /plugins/SafeChat/checkLogs.log |
This is the list of messages that should get displayed to the user upon failing a check if the warning have been
enabled. |
This method is used by SafeChat in several places, and it allows your check to define custom placeholders that can be later used into the configuration or elsewhere. The purpose of this method is to return the same string provided from the first parameter, but with the placeholders replaced. An example of this could be the following: @Override
public String replacePlaceholders(String message,ChatData data){
return message
} |
This is a long value and indicates how many times does the player needs to fail this specific check in order to trigger
a punishment. If you do not want your check to cause a punishment you should simply return -1. |
This is the punishment that will be executed when the player fails enough time a check. This messages are also subject
to placeholders and they are defined through the replacePlaceholders method. An example could be the
following: |
This is the priority of this check. When a check has higher priority level it will be checked before, and vice versa. |
This is the permission required to bypass a check. Players that do have this permission will skip this check entirely. |
SafeChat uses some annotations in order for you to easily pass information into your checks without having to override methods. SafeChat provides the ChatCheck abstract class, which takes advantage of annotations and automatically overrides Check getName() and getPriority() for you. Note that if you're using ChatCheck you are FORCED to use the following annotations:
This annotations allows you to specify the name of that check. Note that this same name will be used in the database.
SafeChat implements a priority system, this means that check with a higher priority will be executed first, and check with a low priority will be the last to be checked.
Used to specify a check's bypass permission.
Now that we've explained how to define your own check, we need to register them. To register checks you can find the ** ChecksContainer** class, which uses the singleton pattern.
As we've already said, this class uses the singleton pattern. In order to get this instance you will first need to check two things: First you want to add SafeChat as required dependency into your plugin.yml.
name: 'MyPlugin'
version: '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
main: my.random.namespace.MyPlugin
api-version: '1.13'
depend: [ 'SafeChat' ] # <-- This is the important line!
After having done this, you also want to double check and see if SafeChat has been loaded correctly. To check if SafeChat is loaded correctly, you can simply do this from your code:
public static boolean isSafechatLoaded(){
return Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("SafeChat")!=null;
Now, if you correctly followed this two steps, you will be able to register your own check using ChecksContainer. To get
the ChecksContainer you can call
and if SafeChat was present and loaded this will not be null.
ChecksContainer defines several methods that allow you to interact with SafeChat checks.
This method allows you to register a check by passing its instance. After a check has been registered it will be immediately become available to SafeChat and will start operating automatically. The return value of this function reports if the check has been registered correctly; a common case where this would return false is if you were to try to register the same check twice, or tried to register a null check.
This method allows you to unregister a check by passing its instance. SafeChat will no longer keep checking it as long as it has been removed.
This method returns all the checks currently registered. The checks are also returned sorted based on their priority.
Now I've explained all of the basics to create and register a check, here's a very simple example of a custom check that'd check message size:
@CheckName(name = "MessageTooLong")
@CheckPriority(priority = CheckPriority.Priority.LOW)
public final class MessageTooLongCheck extends ChatCheck {
private final List<String> myWarnings = Arrays.asList(
"&8[&cWARNING&8]&7: &e{PLAYER}&7 your message was too long!",
"&7The maximum allowed size is {MAX_SIZE}");
private short maximumAllowedMessageLength = 32;
private long myPunishmentAmount = 5;
private boolean hasWarning = true;
private String punishment = "kick {PLAYER} Your message was {MSG_SIZE} but maximum allowed is {MAX_SIZE}!";
public boolean check(@NotNull ChatData data) {
return data.getMessage().length() > maximumAllowedMessageLength;
public boolean hasWarningEnabled() {
return hasWarning;
public @NotNull List<String> getWarningMessages() {
return myWarnings;
public @NotNull String replacePlaceholders(@NotNull String message, @NotNull ChatData data) {
return message
.replace("{PLAYER}", data.getPlayer().getName())
.replace("{MSG_SIZE}", Integer.toString(message.length()))
.replace("{MAX_SIZE}", Short.toString(maximumAllowedMessageLength));
public long getPunishmentRequiredValue() {
return myPunishmentAmount;
public @NotNull String getPunishmentCommand() {
return punishment;
public boolean getLoggingEnabled() {
return false;
This plugin also provides different Bukkit events that allow you to easily listen and interact with safechat using the
Bukkit API. All of the checks are stored inside the
The currently available checks are:
This check event is called whenever one of the registered checks is going to trigger a punishment If you cancel this event , the punishment will not happen anymore. This event is thread-safe.
This check event is called whenever a new check is getting registered. This event is thread-safe.
This check event is called whenever a check is getting unregistered. This event is thread-safe.
This check event is called whenever the player fails a check. This check can be cancelled and doing so will cause SafeChat to skip this check and ignore it for that one message. This event is non thread-safe!
This guide finishes here, thank you for reading!