Course projects for predicting if VR is bad using statistical methods
Make sure you are in the directory containing this README, and create a python virtual environment with command "python3 -m venv venv". Activate this virtual environment with "source venv/bin/activate". Load the required python packages with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
Data can be fetched by running the python script The command requires output file name, and a GraphQL search query. These can be entered before command runs via terminal command "python 'file_name' 'search_query'". The search query will be multiline, so make sure to wrap it with ''. Alternatively the command "python" prompts the user for the output file name and the search query. After inserting the query via copy/paste, use ctrl+d to insert the data.
The fetched data is saved into data -directory with the given name. All data saved is in .json format.
Ready made queries can be found in queries.txt.