RangeEnclosures v0.1.3
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- reinsert affinearithmetic.jl (#92) (@lucaferranti)
- Update scripts (#93) (@schillic)
- Add ReachabilityBase dependency (#94) (@schillic)
- Use updated require function from ReachabilityBase (#97) (@schillic)
- Pass MODULE to require function explicitly (#98) (@schillic)
- add tutorial (#99) (@lucaferranti)
- Outsource doctests to normal tests (#100) (@schillic)
- Add require for AffineArithmetic (#101) (@schillic)
- Revise credits (#102) (@schillic)
- Update docs (#104) (@schillic)
- add paper (#105) (@lucaferranti)
- update ci (#106) (@lucaferranti)
- Test MeanValueEnclosure (#107) (@schillic)
- Test BranchAndBoundEnclosure with non-monotonic function (#108) (@schillic)
- Test TaylorModelsEnclosure with normalize=false (#109) (@schillic)
- Use Julia v1.8 in CI (#110) (@schillic)
- (Paper) Fix references and underfull box (#111) (@schillic)
- Add paper as pdf (#112) (@schillic)
- Fix compilation of paper (#113) (@schillic)
- Paper: consistent use of package name (#114) (@schillic)
- dont count paper content for language statistics (#115) (@lucaferranti)
- Update scripts/README/Project/docs (#116) (@schillic)
- Rewrite code to avoid false positive in linter (#117) (@schillic)
- Format code (#118) (@schillic)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for TaylorModels to 0.6 for package test, (keep existing compat) (#119) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SDPA to 0.5 for package test, (keep existing compat) (#120) (@github-actions[bot])
- Auto-format script (#122) (@schillic)
- Update package versions; use hyphen syntax (#123) (@schillic)