Code repository for the paper "Debiased inference for a covariate-adjusted regression function". See for details.
The numerical studies in the original paper can be found here.
To install this R
package, first install the devtools
package. Then type:
n <- 500; cols <- 3
W <- matrix(runif(n*cols), ncol = cols) # a 500 * 3 matrix of covariates
A <- rnorm(n, mean=W%*%rnorm(cols)) # a 500 * 1 vector of treatment variable
Y <- rnorm(n, mean = sin(2*A)+W[,1]) # a 500 * 1 vector of response variable
est.res <- debiased_inference(Y, A, W) # compute debiased local linear
p <- plot_debiased_curve(est.res) # plot debiased local linear
# compute true covariate-adjusted regression by integrating W
g <- function(a){
points <- function(a0){
integrate(function(t){sin(2*a0)+t}, lower=0, upper=1)$value}
sapply(a, points)
# plot true covariate-adjusted regression in coral
p + geom_line(aes(x=eval.pts, y=g(eval.pts)), color="coral")
Y <- rnorm(n, mean = sin(2*A*W[,1]))
est.res <- debiased_inference(Y, A, W)
p <- plot_debiased_curve(est.res)
# compute true covariate-adjusted regression by integrating W
g <- function(a){
points <- function(a0){
integrate(function(t){sin(2*a0*t)}, lower=0, upper=1)$value}
sapply(a, points)
p + geom_line(aes(x=eval.pts, y=g(eval.pts)), color="coral")
For large data, it is recommended to compute outcome regression and standardized density separately. The example is provided below. This avoids computing nuisance estimators every time.
n <- 500; cols <- 3
W <- matrix(runif(n*cols), ncol = cols) # a 500 * 3 matrix of covariates
A <- rnorm(n, mean=W%*%rnorm(cols)) # a 500 * 1 vector of treatment variable
Y <- rnorm(n, mean = sin(2*A)+W[,1]) # a 500 * 1 vector of response variable
mu.hat <- .fit.regression(Y, A, W) # fit outcome regression
g.hat <- .fit.semiparametric.density(A, W) # fit standardized propensity
est.res <- debiased_inference(Y, A, W, mu=mu.hat, g=g.hat) # compute debiased local linear