It's a Kickflip library and command line client!
This library is a work in progress! Don't use it for anything yet.
The iOS and Android SDKs are ready already, however!
First, you'll need a Kickflip account and an application. You'll also need a recent version of ffmpeg installed.
Install kickflip
pip install kickflip
Stream away!
kickflip MyVideo.mp4
The first time you run kickflip, it'll ask for you application's keys. These will be stored for future usage. They can also be set any time with the -k argument.
What is your client ID? my_client_ID What is your client secret? my_client_secret
python-kickflip can also be used as a library for your python applications.
First, import kickflip.
import kickflip
Then, set up and stream away!
kickflip.set_keys(client_id, client_secret) kickflip.set_user(user) stream = kickflip.start_stream(file_path)