Supports this FPGA boards:
- ZX-Uno (
- ZXDOS and ZXDOS+ (
- MiST (
- SiDi (
- UnAmiga Reloaded (
Implements a standard ZX Spectrum 128K computer and the follwing hardware:
- DivMMC (esxdos 0.8.9)
- Specdrum
- Turbosound
- SA1099 (MiST, SiDi, UnAmiga)
- Joystick Kempston
- Tape loading
Keyboard shortcuts
- Spectrum Reset: F12 or Ctrl+Alt+Del (ZX-Uno, ZXDOS, ZXDOS+)
- Spectrum Reset: F6 or Ctrl+Alt+Del (MiST, SiDi, UnAmiga)
- FPGA Reset: F11 or Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (ZX-Uno, ZXDOS, ZXDOS+)
- NMI: F5
- Toggle RGB/VGA: scroll lock