An open source AFK plugin for Spigot.
- openafk.exempt - Prevents the player from being detected as AFK
- openafk.isafk - Allows access to the /isafk command
- openafk.admin - Allows access to the /openafk command
- openafk.afk - Allows access to the /afk command =======
- /isafk <username/uuid> - Checks if a player is AFK
- /afkplayers - Gives a list of AFK players
- /openafk - Admin OpenAFK Command
- /afk - Toggles the executors AFK status
Parameters with an "(optional)" next to them don't need to be provided unless wanted.
Actions that support multiline are compatible with YAML multiline syntax on the content. Example:
- action: "message"
content: |
First line
Second line
Third line
Actions are OpenAFKs way to let you orchestrate what happens on events. (You can even register your own actions!)
Displays a temporary or permanent actionbar message to everyone or the actioned player.
- action: "actionbar"
to: "player" #(Optional) - defaults to player, can be player or all
content: "&cHello!"
permanent: true #(Optional)
- action: "actionbar"
reset: true
to: "player" #(Optional) - defaults to player, can be player or all
Teleports the actioned player to a defined location set with /openafk set afkarea
- action: "afkarea"
Supports Multiline Broadcasts a message to an entire server.
- action: "broadcast"
content: "&cContent to broadcast."
permission: permission.node #(Optional) - Sends the broadcast only to people with this permission
repeat: 2 #(Optional) - Amount of times to send the broadcast
Changes where a players head is, using yaw and pitch.
(Only one is required but both can be used.)
- action: "look"
yaw: 2
pitch: 5
Issues a command by a player or by console.
- action: "command"
by: "player" #(Optional - defaults to player) accepts player or console
command: "/help" # Console commands do NOT use the /
Supports Multiline Messages the actioned player with given content once or multiple times.
- action: "message"
content: "&cHello!"
repeat: 2 #(Optional)
Shows a temporary or permanent title to the actioned player.
- action: "title"
title: "&cHello!"
subtitle: "&aWelcome back."
fadeIn: 10
fadeOut: 10
stay: 500 # Valid values: integer, "permanent"
- action: "title"
reset: true
Makes the actioned player visible or invisible to other players.
- action: "invisibility"
type: "show" #Valid values: "show", "hide"
REQUIRES NameTagEdit Sets the players prefix, suffix or both with NametagEdit
- action: "nametag"
prefix: "&7[&c&lAFK&7] &9"
suffix: "PlayersSuffix" #(Optional)
Makes the player invincible and sends a message to the attacker on hit.
- action: "invincibility"
to: true # Also accepts false
Scripts are lists of actions which are ran in order, these define what actions to do when certain events happen.