This is the work log for ISARC 2020 Project.
- Background [3D Printing + Construction ]
- Research Gap [Rely on manual adjustment]
- Purpose a new approach ==> Need to highlisht main controbution
- Detection + Control
Related work
- Reference collection & Summary writing
- Topic 1: Construction 3D Printing [NTU 3D Printing] [Mention Material]
- Topic 2: Currently 3D Printing defect detection [Plastic] [Concert]
- Topic 3: Closed-loop control in 3D Printing
- Summary novelty & difference with other method
- Sensor Introduction
- RGB-D: Microsoft Azure Kinect
- 3D Printing Platform
- UR10 + Printing Head + Material
- ROS + Moveit!
- Defect & Deviation Detection
- Layer Defect & Deviation [Integrity] [Shape Error]
- Surface Defect [Overfill & Underfill]
- Print Model Deviation [Misalignment between the layers]
- Extra: Extruder Detection [Bubble Detection]
- Feedback control pipline Pipeline
- Sensor Introduction
- Experiments setup
- Task 1 : Static surface / layer Inspection
- Subtask 1: Heatmap for each types defect & deviation
- Subtask 2: Using mask for Model Deviation Test
- Task 2 : 3D printing test
- Subtask 1: Mention Hand eye calibration
- Subtask 2: Manual makeup defect [to show our approch could work in real world]
- Subtask 3: 3D printing simulation [present whole processing in simulation]