Releases: LodLive/LodView
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Dbpedia ready version and more!
- Galician translation
- Dutch translation
- Redirection mechanism improved (prefix and "pubby style" mode)
- Optional encoding/decoding feature for the IRI (to avoid URL escape issues)
- Multimedia widget for video ed audio files
- Java8 ready
- Eesthetic improvements
- if you are using virtuoso LodView will show more "rawdata" at the bottom of the page (csv, cxml, atom, etc.)
- Add default homepage ready to host some description of your project
- Other minor fixes
WARNING a compiled version of the project is attached to the release, it will simplify the update process, notice that in the file there are no libs and custom style sheets
zoom and translations
- Slovak translation
- French translation
- Image zoom
- Map zoom
- Fixed IE9 issues
- Refactoring (local scripts and more)
- Redirection mechanism improved
- Other minor fixes
WARNING a compiled version of the project is attached to the release, it will simplify the update process, notice that in the file there are no libs and custom style sheets
dbpedia it - suggested implementations
- custom footer for credits and navigation menu
- license at the very bottom of the page
- classes and interface colors could now be connected
- auto-guessing of the very bottom class into the ontology hierarchy to show it in the resource header
WARNING a compiled version of the project is attached to the release, it will simplify the update process, notice that in the file there are no libs and custom style sheets
info tooltip
LodView now provides info about every property found in the resource, just hover on the property to get a "info tooltip" that shows label and comment from the referring ontology (according to your locale).
You have to add your ontologies in the "ontologies" folder.
WARNING a compiled version of the project is attached to the release, it will simplify the update process, notice that in the file there are no libs and custom style sheets
bugfixes and minor improvements
fixed a serious bug in xml serialization xml:base was missing but IRIs where "relative"
lodview stable
v1.0.1 added custom home link in banner
first working release
v1.0.0 license added